List of Compositions for String Trio

Please note that this list is manually updated, and may not contain IMSLP's complete collection.
To generate automatically updated lists see "Browse by Work genre" in the sidebar.
For Compositions for strings and another instrument, see the respective instrument.


Violin, Viola, Cello

Also see the auto-generated lists:


Beethoven, Ludwig van

Boccherini, Luigi


Dotzauer, Friedrich

Eichberg, Julius

Fuchs, Robert

Melartin, Erkki

Ratez, Emile Pierre

Reger, Max

Rolla, Alessandro

Schubert, Franz

Weiner, Leó

Modernist styles

Roussel, Albert

Schmitt, Florent

Two Violins, Viola

Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo

Dvorak, Antonin

Mazas, Jacques

Rolla, Alessandro

2 Violins, Cello

Dall'Abaco, Joseph

Boccherini, Luigi

Borodin, Alexander Porfirevich

Fränzl, Ferdinand

Mazas, Jacques

Pleyel, Ignace Joseph