Please note that this list is manually updated, and may not contain IMSLP's complete collection.
To generate automatically updated lists see "Browse by Work genre" in the sidebar.
- 1 Chalumeau and Orchestra
- 2 Chamber Music with Continuo
- 3 Chamber Music Without Continuo
- 4 Vocal Music Featuring the Chalumeau
- 4.1 Voice, Chalumeau, Continuo
- 4.2 Voice, Chalumeau + 1, Continuo
- 4.3 Multiple Voices, Chalumeau + 1, Continuo
- 4.4 Voice, Chalumeau + 3, Continuo
- 4.5 Voice/s, Chalumeau, Orchestra
- 4.6 Voice/s, 2 Instruments, Orchestra
- 4.7 Voice/s, 3 Instruments, Orchestra
- 4.8 Voice/s, 4 Instruments, Orchestra
- 4.9 Voice/s, Multiple Instruments, Orchestra
- 4.10 Unsorted
Chalumeau and Orchestra
Chalumeau solo and Orchestra
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- -Chalumeau Concerto, FaWV L:B1 (S chal, 2 oboes, strings, continuo)
- -Fantasie, FaWV O:F1 Nos.3 & 4 (chal, str, bc)
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 484 (S chal, str, bc)
2 Chalumeaux and Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Concerto for 2 Chalumeaux in C major, GWV 303 (AB chal, str, bc)
- -Concerto for 2 Chalumeaux in F major, GWV 325 (TB chal, str, bc)
- -Ouverture in F major, GWV 448 (TB chal, str, bc)
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- -Concerto for 2 Chalumeaux, TWV 52:d1 (AT chal, str, bc)
3 Chalumeaux and Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Ouverture in C major, GWV 409 (ATB chal, str, bc)
- -Ouverture in D minor, GWV 428 (ATB chal, str, bc)
- -Ouverture in F major, GWV 449 (ATB chal, str + fl & ob in one movt, bc)
Chalumeau + 1 and Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Ouverture in C major, GWV 407 (B chal, bn, str, bc)
Chalumeau + 2 and Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Concerto in B-flat major, GWV 343 (T chal, ob, vda, str, bc)
- -Concerto in C major, GWV 306 (B chal, bn, vc, str, bc)
- -Concerto for in F major, GWV 327 (T chal, fl, vda, str, bc)
- -Ouverture in F major, GWV 450 (fl, T chal, vda, str, bc)
Chalumeau + 4 and Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Ouverture in F major, GWV 451 (fl, 2 chal: TB, hn, vda, str, bc)
Chalumeau + 3 and Orchestra
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- -Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:d3 (2 ob, chal, bn, str, bc)
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- -Concerto, TWV 52:C1 (2 chal: AT, 2 bn, str, bc)
Multiple Instruments and Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Ouverture in F major, GWV 452 (2 chal: TB, bn, 2 hn, 4 timp, str, bc)
- Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
- -Concerto in C major, RV 555 (includes T chal; see instrumentation)
- -Concerto in C major, RV 558 (includes 2 T chal; see instrumentation)
- -Concerto funebre in B-flat major, RV 579 (violin, oboe, T chal, 3 viols, strings, continuo)
Chamber Music with Continuo
Chalumeau and Continuo
- Hotteterre, Jean (after 1666-1720)
- -Pièces pour la muzette (treble instrument, bc)
Chalumeau + 1 and Continuo
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Trio Sonata in C major, GWV 201 (B chal, bn, bc)
- -Trio Sonata in F major, GWV 210 (B chal, vda, bc)
Chalumeau + 2 and Continuo
- Hasse, Johann Adolph (1699-1783)
- -Concerto in F major (ob, S chal, bn, bc)
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- -Quartetto, TWV 43:F2 (2 chal: AT, vns unis, bc)
Chalumeau + 3 and Continuo
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- -Quintetto in F major, TWV 44:6 (2 chal: AT, 2 vla, bc)
- Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
- -Sonata in C major, RV 779 (ob, vn, org, B chal ad lib., bc)
Chamber Music Without Continuo
2 Instruments
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- -Der getreue Music-Meister ; Features a Carillon for 2 chalumeaux.
- -9 Instrumental Pieces ; Nos. 3-9 (2 chal)
3 Instruments
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Ouverture in C major, GWV 401 (3 chal: ATB)
- -Ouverture in F major, GWV 443 (3 chal: ATB)
4 Instruments
- -9 Instrumental Pieces ; Nos.1 & 2 (2 chal, 2 hn)
5 Instruments
- Molter, Johann Melchior (1696-1765)
- -Concertino in C major, MWV 8.8 (2 chal, 2 hn, bn)
- -Concertino in F major, MWV 8.9 (2 chal, 2 hn, bn)
Vocal Music Featuring the Chalumeau
Voice, Chalumeau, Continuo
- Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745)
- -Missa Eucharistica, ZWV 15 Qui tollis peccata mundi (A, chal, bc)
Voice, Chalumeau + 1, Continuo
- Ariosti, Attilio (1666-1729)
- -Sento il cor che dice spera (soprano, 2 chal: SA, bc)
- Caldara, Antonio (1670-1736)
- -14 Cantatas ; 8. Cantata "Non v'è pena ne l'amore" (soprano, chal, fl, bc)
- Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745)
- -Immisit Dominus pestilentiam, ZWV 58 3. Recordare, Domine (A, chal, vla, bc)
Multiple Voices, Chalumeau + 1, Continuo
- Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745)
- -Missa Sanctissimae Trinitatis, ZWV 17
- Agnus Dei (AT, oboe, S chal, bc)
Voice, Chalumeau + 3, Continuo
- Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745)
- -6 Lamentationes pro hebdomada sancta, ZWV 53
- No.6: Aleph quomodo obscuratum est aurum (A, vn, chal/ob, bn, bc)
Voice/s, Chalumeau, Orchestra
Voice, Chalumeau, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Singet Gott lobsinget seinem Namen, GWV 1101/37
- 5. Aria (S, chal: A, str, bc)
- -Wir wissen dass der Sohn Gottes kommen ist, GWV 1103/39
- 5. Aria (S, chal: S, str, bc)
- -Das ist das ewige Leben, GWV 1111/39
- 5. Aria (S, S chal, str, bc)
- -Komm wert'ster Jesu sei mein Gast, GWV 1113/40
- 6. Aria (S, S chal, str [vns unis], bc)
- -Verdamme mich nicht, GWV 1121/39
- 3. Aria (S, S chal, str, bc)
- -So sich jemand unter euch lässet dünken, GWV 1122/40
- 5. Aria (B, S chal, str, bc)
- -Suchet den Herrn alle ihr Elenden, GWV 1125/39
- 3 Aria (B, S chal, str, bc)
- -Weg Trauern weg Weinen, GWV 1128/40
- 5. Aria (S, S chal, str [vns unis], bc)
- -Wer Ohren hat zu hören höre, GWV 1154/39
- 1. Arioso & 7. Aria (T, B chal, str, bc)
- -Seid barmherzig wie auch euer Vater, GWV 1163/34
- 3. Aria (S, B chal, str, bc)
- Ristori, Giovanni Alberto (1692-1753)
- -Versi cantati in Varsavia, M.145
- 11. Aria "Allettati da Lei fiorir gl'ingegni" (alto, S chal, str, bc) included in oboe/flute 1 part. Player switches to oboe after 42 bars of chalumeau solo and is joined by oboe 2 and bassoon.
- Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
- -Juditha Triumphans, RV 644
- Aria "Veni, veni me sequere fida" (alto, S chal, str, bc)
- -Nisi Dominus, RV 803
- 4. Aria "Cum dederit delectis suis somnum" (alto, T chal, vns unis, bc)
- Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745)
- -Officium defunctorum, ZWV 47 Parce mihi Domine (S, chal, str, bc)
Multiple Voices, Chalumeau, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Verdamme mich nicht, GWV 1121/39
- 4. Choral (SATB, S chal, str, bc)
- -Du Hirte Israel höre, GWV 1132/39
- 7. Choral (SATB, A chal, str, bc)
- -Wer Ohren hat zu hören höre, GWV 1154/39
- 8. Choral (SATB, B chal, str, bc)
Voice/s, 2 Instruments, Orchestra
Voice, 2 Chalumeaux, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Er selbst der Herr, GWV 1102/35
- 5. Aria (B, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Es ist eine Stimme eines Predigers, GWV 1104/36
- 5. Aria (B, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Es ist erschienen die heilsame Gnade, GWV 1105/48
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Wandelt wie die Kinder, GWV 1107/48
- 3. Aria (S, 2 chal: AB, str, bc)
- -Werfet euer Vertrauen nicht weg, GWV 1110/49
- 6. Aria (S, 2 chal: AB, str, bc)
- -Der Herr ist gern bei denen Seinen, GWV 1113/35
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1124/37
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Die Wahrheit findet keinen Glauben, GWV 1124/44
- 4. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Neige deine Ohren mein Gott, GWV 1125/38
- 6. Aria (B, 2 chal: AB, str, bc)
- -Vater ich befehle meinen Geist, GWV 1127/43
- 3. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Ihr seid nicht fleischlich, GWV 1134/35
- 5. Aria (B, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Ihr Herzen räumt die Sünde aus, GWV 1138/39
- 3. Aria (T, 2 chal: AT, str, bc)
- -Du lechzendes du dürres Land, GWV 1138/43
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, vn unis, bc)
- -O Gottes Sohn von Ewigkeit, GWV 1154/36
- 3. Aria (SATB, 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
- -Es begab sich dass Jesus, GWV 1157/37
- 3. Aria (B, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Mache dich los von deinen Sünden, GWV 1163/37
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
Voice, Chalumeau +1, Orchestra
- Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo (1681-1732)
- -Fra queste umbrese piante (S, fl, chal, str, bc)
- Several movements feature the chalumeau as an obbligato instrument, including one ornate ritornello for chalumeau and continuo.
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Die Wasserwogen im Meer sind gross, GWV 1115/35
- 3. Aria (B, fl, T chal, str, bc)
- -Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen, GWV 1128/37
- 3. Aria (B, B chal, bn, str, bc)
Multiple Voices, 2 Chalumeaux, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Singet Gott lobsinget seinem Namen, GWV 1101/37
- 3. Aria (AB, 2 chal: AB, str, bc)
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: AB, str, bc)
- -Wandelt wie die Kinder, GWV 1107/48
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: AB, str, bc)
- -Der Herr ist gern bei denen Seinen, GWV 1113/35
- 3. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Ach bleib bei uns Herr Jesu Christ, GWV 1129/46
- 1. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- 5. Aria (TB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Ein rechter Christ kann auch bei Tränen lachen, GWV 1133/36
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Ihr seid nicht fleischlich, GWV 1134/35
- 1. Coro & 7. Coro (SATB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Der Friede Gottes welcher höher ist, GWV 1138/35
- 1. Coro & 8. Coro (SATB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- 5. Aria (SB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- 7. Coro (SSATB, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Ihr Herzen räumt die Sünde aus, GWV 1138/39
- 1. Coro (SATB, 2 chal: AT, str, bc)
- -O Gottes Sohn von Ewigkeit, GWV 1154/36
- 1. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
Multiple Voices, Chalumeau +1, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Wo ist der neugeborne König, GWV 1111/37
- 7. Choral (SATB, B chal, bn, str, bc)
- -Die Wasserwogen im Meer sind gross, GWV 1115/35
- 7. Chorale (SATB, fl, T chal, str, bc)
Voice/s, 3 Instruments, Orchestra
Voice, 3 Chalumeaux, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Wie lange liegst du sichre Welt, GWV 1102/39
- 5. Aria (S, 3 chal: SAB, str, bc)
- -O dass sie weise wären, GWV 1106/39
- 3. Aria (B, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
- -Fürwahr er trug unsre Krankheit, GWV 1125/41
- 4. Aria (S, 3 chal: STB, str, bn, bc)
- -Es fällt ein holder Tau der Gnade, GWV 1138/40
- 3. Aria (S, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
- -Wohl dem der den Herrn fürchtet, GWV 1162/38
- 5. Aria (B, 3 chal: ATB, str, bc)
- -Ich hab mich Gott ergeben, GWV 1169/40
- 3. Aria (B, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
Voice, Chalumeau +2, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?, GWV 1123/43
- 2. Aria (T, ob, 2 chal: TB, str, bc)
- -Merk auf mein Herz und sieh dorthin, GWV 1111/44
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, bn, timp, str, bc)
- -Wisset ihr nicht dass euer Leib, GWV 1138/47
- 5. Aria (T, 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
- -Der Gnadenbrunn fleusst noch, GWV 1141/44
- 6. Aria (S, 2 chal: AT, bn, str, bc)
- -Der Herr sprach zu dem Knechte, GWV 1143/48
- 3. Aria (S, 2 chal: AT, bn, str, bc)
- -Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt, GWV 1146/40
- 3. Aria (B, 2 chal: ST, bn, str, bc)
- -Jesus' Augen stehn voll Tränen, GWV 1151/37
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
- -Wie gar nichts sind alle Menschen, GWV 1157/40
- 3. Aria (T, S chal, 2 vla, str, bc)
Multiple Voices, 3 Chalumeaux, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -O dass sie weise wären, GWV 1106/39
- 6. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
- -Gott sei gedanket dass ihr Knechte, GWV 1111/41
- 7. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
- -Wo bist du, Jesus, Freund der Seelen, GWV 1112/40
- 1. Aria (SA, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
- 3. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
- -Hört Menschen hört, GWV 1118/40
- 3. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, str, bc)
- -Fürwahr er trug unsre Krankheit, GWV 1125/41
- 1. Coro, 3. Coro & 8. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, str, bn, bc)
- -Da Jesus erkennete, GWV 1126/39
- 6 Aria (AT, 3 chal: ATB, str, bc)
- -Du bist ein Mensch, GWV 1156/38
- 5. Aria (SA, 3 chal: ATB, str, bc)
- -Wohl dem der den Herrn fürchtet, GWV 1162/38
- 7. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: ATB, str, bc)
Multiple Voices, Chalumeau +2, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Christus der uns selig macht, GWV 1121/41
- 1. Choral & 7. Choral (SATB, 2 ob, S chal, str, bc)
- -Freude Freude über Freude, GWV 1128/35
- 3. Aria (SB, 2 chal: TB, hn, str, bc)
- -Du Hirte Israel höre, GWV 1132/39
- 5. Aria (AT, 2 chal: AT, hn, str, bc)
- -Ein rechter Christ kann auch bei Tränen lachen, GWV 1133/36
- 1. Coro & 3. Coro (SSATB, 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
- -Ihr Herzen räumt die Sünde aus, GWV 1138/39
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: AT, bn, str, bc)
- -Jesus' Augen stehn voll Tränen, GWV 1151/37
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
- -O Gottes Sohn von Ewigkeit, GWV 1154/36
- 7. Coro (SATB, 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
- -Wie gar nichts sind alle Menschen, GWV 1157/40
- 1. Coro (SATB, S chal, 2 ob, str, bc)
Voice/s, 4 Instruments, Orchestra
Voice, Chalumeau +3, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Komm wert'ster Jesu sei mein Gast, GWV 1113/40
- 2. Aria (B, 2 ob, S chal, bn, str, bc)
- -Merkt Seelen was Jesus spricht, GWV 1118/42
- 2. Aria (S, ob, 2 chal: TB, vn, str, bc)
- -Nun gibt mein Jesus gute Nacht, GWV 1127/40
- 3. Aria (S, 3 chal: STB, vn, str, bc)
- -Freude Freude über Freude, GWV 1128/35
- 5. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, 2hn, str, bc)
- -Was sucht ihr den Lebendigen bei den Toten, GWV 1128/47
- 5. Aria (B, 2 chal: TB, 2 hn, str, bc)
- -Vater unser im Himmelreich, GWV 1135/46
- 3. Aria (S, 2 chal: TB, 2 bn, str, bc)
- -Jesus ist der beste Lehrer, GWV 1164/48
- 5. Aria (B, 2 chal: AB, 2 bn, str, bc)
Voice/s, Multiple Instruments, Orchestra
Voice, Multiple Instruments, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, GWV 1134/40
- 3. Aria (S, 3 chal: STB, 2 vla, str, bc)
- -Vertrag einer den Anderen, GWV 1147/40
- 5. Aria (S, 3 chal: STB, bn, vl, str, bc)
- -Gelobet sei der Herr täglich, GWV 1162/53
- 3. Aria (B, 2 fl, 2 chal: TB, 2 hn, str, bc)
- -[[Wir werden ihn sehen, GWV 1169/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|Wir werden ihn sehen, GWV 1169/49
- 6. Aria (S, 2 chal: AB, bn, 3 hn, timp, str, bc)
Mulitiple Voices, Multiple Instruments, Orchestra
- Graupner, Christoph (1683-1760)
- -Der Herr ist gross zu Zion, GWV 1101/47
- 5. Aria (ST, 2 chal: AB, bn, 2 hn, 4 timp, str, bc)
- -Nun gibt mein Jesus gute Nacht, GWV 1127/40
- 1. Choral & 7. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, bn, str, bc)
- -Wie lange liegst du sichre Welt, GWV 1102/39
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 ob, 3 chal, str, bc)
- -Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein, GWV 1109/37
- 1. Chorale & 7. Coro (SATB, 2 chal: TB, timp, str, bc)
- -Merk auf mein Herz und sieh dorthin, GWV 1111/44
- 1. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, bn, timp, str, bc)
- -Freude Freude über Freude, GWV 1128/35
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, 2 hn, 2 timp, str, bc)
- -Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen, GWV 1128/37
- 1. Coro (SATB, 2 chal: TB, 2 tpt, timp, str, bc)
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 chal: TB, bn, 2 tpt, timp, str, bc)
- -Es fällt ein holder Tau der Gnade, GWV 1138/40
- 1. Coro & 7 Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, 2 trp, timp, str, bc)
- -Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt, GWV 1146/40
- 1. Choral (SATB, 2 ob, 2 chal: ST, bn, 2 hn, str, bc)
- -Wie gar nichts sind alle Menschen, GWV 1157/40
- 6. Choral (SATB, S chal, 2 ob, bn, str, bc)
- -Gelobet sei der Herr täglich, GWV 1162/53
- 5. Aria (ST, 2 fl, 2 chal: TB, 2 hn, str, bc)
- 7. Choral (SATB, 2 fl, 2 chal: TB, 2 bn, 2 hn, str, bc)
- -Mache dich los von deinen Sünden, GWV 1163/37
- 7. Choral (SATB, fl , 2 chal: TB, bn, str, bc)
- -Ich hab mich Gott ergeben, GWV 1169/40
- 1. Choral (SATB, 3 chal: STB, 2 hn, str, bc)
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787)
- -Alceste, Wq.44
- -Orfeo ed Euridice ; 2 chalumeaux feature in Aria "Chiamo il mio ben così", Act I, Scene I.
- Hasse, Johann Adolph (1699-1783)
- -Alfonso
- -Irene