Japanese Melodies on Guitar (Takei, Morishige)

Sheet Music


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Publisher. Info. Tokyo: Zen-On Music, 1958.
Reprinted Tokyo: Zen-On Music, 1964.
Misc. Notes This is a reprint of the first edition in 1958.
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General Information

Work Title Japanese Melodies on Guitar
Alternative. Title 武井守成作品集 「ギターによる日本の旋律」
Composer Takei, Morishige
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 62 pieces:
  • 1. Ricordi d'Infanza; 幼き時の思い出, Op.1 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 2. Passeggiata Campèstre; 野遊び, Op.2 (first published in 1922 from Nihon-Gakki)
  • 3. Omaggio al Grande chitarrista Tarrega; タルレガに捧ぐる曲, Op.7 (first published in 1922 from Nihon-Gakki)
  • 4. Minuetto in E; ホ長調のメヌエット, Op.5 (submitted to the journal 'The Study of Mandolin and Guitar' in 1922)
  • 5. Impromptu; 即興曲, Op.8 (first published in 1924 from Nihon-Gakki)
  • 6. Gioia d'oggi; きょうのよろこび, Op.9 (submitted to the journal 'The Study of Mandolin and Guitar' in 1930)
  • 7. Danza d'Insetti; 虫の踊り. Op.25 (first performed in 1943)
  • 8. Spirit of falling leaves; 落葉の精, Op.27 (submitted to the journal 'The Study of Mandolin and Guitar' in 1928)
  • 9. La Caduta della Pioggia; 軒訪るる秋雨, Op.11 (first published in 1925 from Juujiya)
  • 10. Piccola Danza; 小舞曲, Op.12 (submitted to the journal 'The Study of Mandolin and Guitar' in 1929)
  • 11. I Petali; 花びら, Op.28 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 12. Osservando la Collina in fine di primavera; 遅日の丘, Op.51 (first published in 1941 from Armonia)
  • 13. Tramonto; いりあい, Op.54 (first published in 1941 from Armonia)
  • 14. Verso il Fiume; 流れに沿いて, Op.52 (first published in 1941 from Armonia)
  • 15. Romanza; ロマンツァ, Op.55 (first published in 1942 from Armonia)
  • 16. Scherzo; スケルツオ, Op.56 (first published in 1942 from Armonia)
  • 17. Capriccietto* カプリチェット, op.57 (first published in 1942 from Armonia)
  • 18. Quattro Preludi; 四つの前奏曲, Op.58 (submitted to the journal 'The Study of Mandolin and Guitar' in 1942)
  • 19. Ricordo di un sogno del mattino; あけがたの夢を想いて, Op.53 (first published in 1941 from Armonia)
  • 20. Atomosfera di neve; 雪もよい, Op.62 (submitted to the journal 'The Study of Mandolin and Guitar' in 1942)
  • 21. Con la Magnolia; 木蓮ありて, Op.65 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 22. La Sorgente d'acqua; いづみ, Op.66 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 23. Nube d'Autunno; 秋雲, Op.71 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 24. Finestra e Pioggia; 雨の窓, Op.67 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 25. La giornata di una fanciulla; 少女を画きたる, Op.72 (first performed in 1943)
  1. Nenia per Bambola; 人形の子守唄
  2. Momoware; 桃割れ
  3. Macchina da cucire; ミシン
  • 26. Romanza senza parola; 無言詩, Op.73 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 27. Le Ruto di Legno; 木の車. Op.78 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 28. Davanti alla Lantera; 春燈の下, Op.75 (first performed in 1950)
  • 29. Pezzettino per tre cordi basse; 下三絃による断章, Op.79 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 30. Fiume "Tone" moto perpetuo ; 大利根, Op.82 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 31. Le Crabe Ermite; やどかり, Op.83 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 32. La Mattinata, serena valzer, 晴れたる朝, Op.85 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 33. Invocazione al Budda; 念誦, Op.84 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 34. Rosso di Tramonto; 夕焼け, Op.86 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 35. Ombra, Habanera; 翳, Op.87 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 36. Fantasia d'Autunno; 秋の幻想曲, Op.89 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 37. Brushwood fence; 柴垣, Op.88 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 38. Variazioni sul Tema "Kōjō-no-Tsuki"; 「荒城の月」を主題とせる変奏曲, Op.90 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 39. La Pulce; 蚤, Op.92 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 40. La Filatrice; 糸を繰る女, Op.95 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 41. Siepe d'Inverno; 冬の街路樹, Op.94 (first performed in 1946)
  • 42. Osmanthus fragrans; 木犀, Op.93 (first performed in 1950)
  • 43. Intorno al braciere; 爐端, Op.96 (first performed in 1948)
  1. La nonna che raccota d'una sua antica storia; 祖母の昔語り
  2. Racconto di bambino; こどものおはなし
  3. Il padre che narra la storia del suo cavallo; 馬を語る父
  4. Racconto di fanciulla; 娘の話
  5. Soliloquio del figlio gioioso; 快活な息子の独り言
  • 44. L'Infanza; 幼児, Op.92 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 45. The floating cloud* 浮雲, Op.98 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 46. Caleidoscopio; 萬花鏡, Op.99 (first performed in 1946)
  • 47. Due prelude; 二つの前奏曲, Op.101 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 48. Ricordo di Torino; トリーノの思い出, Op.102 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 49. The broken pane; 割れたガラス戸, Op.103 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 50. Silver Scale (Prelude); 銀鱗, Op.91 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 51. Le Vin; 葡萄酒, Op.104 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  1. Haut Sauterne; オーソテルン (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  2. Chateau Latour; シャトラトゥール (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 52. Capriccietto No.2; カプリチェット第2, Op.107 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 53. Soir; 或る夜, Op.106 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 54. Farfalla che nell'acqua cade; 水に落ちた蝶々, Op.105 (first performed in 1947)
  • 55. Fiore Giallo; 黄色の花, Op.109 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 56. Album Facil; やさしいアルバム, Op.110 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  1. Andante poco mosso
  2. Allegro
  3. Andantino
  4. Moderato
  5. Allegro Spiritoso
  6. Andante
  • 57. Contemplando le Stelle; 星を見る, Op.112 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • 58. An Alubum for Children; 子供のためのアルバム, Op.114 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  1. Janken; じゃんけん
  2. Knuckle bones; お手玉
  3. Top; 独楽
  4. Hop-scotch; 石蹴り
  • 59. Autumn Tints; 秋の色, Op.60 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  • Haiku poem by Kiyō; 杞陽の句, Op.100 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  1. River in Spring time; 春川
  2. Fire flies; 蛍
  3. Maple leaves; 紅葉
  4. Fire wood; 榾
  • 60. Le danze dei Frutti, Suite; 組曲「くだものの舞曲」, (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
  1. Minuetto dell'uva; 葡萄のメヌエット
  2. Bolero della Melogranata; 柘榴のボレロ
  3. Pavana della Fragola; 苺のパヴァナ
  • 61. Nebbia Mattuttina; 朝靄に, Op.76 (first performed in 1943)
  • 62. Morning-Glory; 朝顔, Op.61 (first published in 1958 from Zen-On)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation guitar; 2 guitars; voice, guitar; guitar ensemble