Jacques Maho




Founded in 1851 by Jacques Maho (07 March 1817 - 17 April 1889). Maho did not make regular deposits of the scores he issued with the French National Library ("as regularly as the law required" - Teller Ratner, "Saint-Saëns' Last 'Concerto'", "Notes", 2nd Series, Vol.48, No.1, Sep.1991, p.20). He joined the SACEM (Société des Auteurs Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique) only in 1872, 20 years after the founding of the firm. The entire catalog was sold in 1877 to Jacques Hamelle.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • J. Maho (1851-1877)


Paris :

  • 13 bis, passage Verdeau (1851-1852)
  • 10, passage Jouffroy (1852-1856)
  • 24, passage Jouffroy (1857-1859)
  • 25, Faubourg Saint-Honoré (1859-1877)

Plate Numbers

Formats: J. M. ### (1851-1860) & J. #### M. (1861-1877)
Beware : some confusion may occur with the publisher Meissonnier who used also J.M. ### some years before

Year- Plate numbers - Year- Plate numbers - Year- Plate numbers
1851 1-12 1861 368-399 1871 970-980
1852 21-47 1862 400-439 1872 1038-1214
1853 76-87 1863 458-487 1873
1854 93-108 1864 492-520 1874
1855 119-146 1865 552-582 1875
1856 175-198 1866 616-671 1876 1253-1319
1857 199-252 1867 708-733 1877
1858 263-286 1868 757-809
1859 289-301 1869
1860 325-363 1870 963-964
Plate Composer Work Year
0001 Heller Caprice caractéristique, Op.76 1851
0011–12 Heller Promenades d'un Solitaire, Op.78 (2 books) 1851
0018 Chandelier Gavotte Watteau 1851
0043 Lalo Piano Trio No. 2 1852
0055 Mulder La Carolina, caprice élégant et mignon, Op.41 1853
0105 Heller Feuillets d'album, Op.83 1854
0130 Marcailhou Rayon d'Italie, Op.81 1855
0301 Caraman-Chimay Mélusine 1859
0363 Heller Grande étude, Op.96 1860
0406 Saint-Saëns Duettino, Op.11 1861
0422 Richards Chant du soir, Op.50 1862
0433 Krüger Allegretto scherzando, Op.111 1862
0470 Kontski La Cascade, Op.3 1863
0552 Saint-Saëns Piano Quintet, Op.14 1865
0568 Ganz Qui vive!, Op.12
0657-660 Saint-Saëns Suite for Cello and Piano, Op.16 1866
0691 Sari Ronde des elfes 1866/7
0731 Rubinstein Piano Trio No.3, Op.52 (sc&pts) 1867
0769 Rubinstein 2 Pieces, Op.30 1868
0811 Widor Airs de ballet, Op.4 1868/9
0980 Castillon Piano Quartet, Op.7
0986 Widor Sérénade, Op.10 (sc&pts)
1016 Brahms Piano Trio No.1, Op.8 (1st ed., sc&pts) 1871/2
1107 Rüfer String Quartet No.1, Op.20 1872
1214* Widor Organ Symphony No.1, Op.13 No.1 1872
1301 Werner Gavotte, Op.20 1876
1364 Sandré Cello Sonata, Op.3 1876/7

*1214 also used for the rest of Widor's Op.13.

Sources Consulted

  • 1. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Stanley Sadie.
New York and London: Macmillan Publications, 1980.
  • 2. Devries, Anik; Lesure, François. Dictionnaire des éditeurs de musique français - Vol.3 "De 1820 à 1914"
Genève: Minkoff, 1979-1988


Authority control

  • VIAF (Maho Editeur de musique)