Hugo Thiemer

Typical full score cover 1877
Typical cover ca.1900
Vocal work cover ca.1900
Pictorial cover ca.1900




This firm started in Hamburg in 1872 and published a large quantity of piano music, dance music, songs and violin music (Seybold, Kayser) into the 20th century. It also had many oratorios and operas in its catalog.

The Leipzig branch was sold in November 1887 and became Otto Forberg.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Hugo Thiemer


  • Hamburg
  • Kiel

Plate Numbers

  • Hugo Thiemer's plate numbers are of the format of ###. Dates in italics are estimated.
Plate Composer Work Year
0048 Romberg 3 Cello Duos, Op.33 (No.3 arr. cello & piano)
0279 Sinigaglia Am Altar (arr. violin & piano) 1892
0491 Krause Bagatellen, Op.82 (book 1) 1894
0552 Krug Symphony in C major, Op.9 (full score) 1877
0558 Pente Romance, Op.1 1895
0559 Pente Chanson polonaise, Op.2 1895
0599 Pente Humoresque, Op.3 1896
0604 Tartini Trio Sonata in D minor, C.535/9 (parts, ed.Pente) 1896
0661 Pente Historiette, Op.5 1897
0687 Pente Fragment lyrique, Op.6 1898
0688 Pente Fantaisie burlesque, Op.7 1898
0696 Schindler Der letzte Strauss, Op.102 1898
1070 Donizetti L'amor funesto 1882

Sources Consulted