Heaton & Rensburg




Established in Rio de Janeiro in 1840 by the English painter George Mathias Heaton and the Dutch litographer Eduardo Rensburg, Heaton & Rensburg was a litographic publisher of music and engraved images. In 1851 Heaton & Rensburg was declared as official litographers for the Brazilian Imperial House. In 1856 the society was dissolved, but Rensburg continued to publish as "Lithographia Imp. de Rensburg".
In 1842 to 1850 they published Ramalhete das Damas, a music magazine with music for piano and voice and piano, organised by Rafael Coelho Machado.

Imprints and Addresses


  • 1840: Heaton & Rensburg
  • 1856: Lith. Imp. de Rensburg


  • 1840: Rua do Hospício, 103
  • 1842: Rua da Ajuda, 68

Sources consulted

Published scores

Heaton & Rensburg

Composer Work Year
Bomtempo Collecção de 12 valsas para piano-forte 1847
Coelho Você vio! 1849
Garcia Jr. Mauricinas ca.1849
Muzard Os echos
Herz Variations sur un Célèbre Valse du Desire

Lith. Imp. de Rensburg

Composer Work Year
Monteiro Lyrio do Canadá