Grund-richtiger Unterricht der Musicalischen Kunst (Speer, Daniel)

Sheet Music


4 more: I. Choral und Figural Singen • II. Clavier und General-Bass • III. Allerhand Instrumenten Methoden • IV. Componiren

Publisher. Info. Ulm: Georg Wilhelm Kühne; Christian Balthasar Kühnen seel. Erben, 1697.

General Information

Work Title Grundrichtiger Unterricht der musikalischen Kunst
Alternative. Title Title-page transcription
Grund-richtiger, Kurtz- Leicht- und Noethiger, jetzt Wol-vermehrter Unterricht der Musicalischen Kunst. Oder Vierfaches Musicalisches Kleeblatt, worinnen zu ersehen, wie man fueglich und in kurtzer Zeit I. Choral- und Figural-Singen. II. Das Clavier und General-Bass tractiren. III. Allerhand Instrumenta greiffen, und blasen lernen kan. IV. Vocaliter und Instrumentaliter componiren soll lernen.</span>
Composer Speer, Daniel
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 4 sections

Vierfaches Musikalisches Kleeblatt, Four-leaf musical clover:

1. Choral- und Figural-Singen, Choral and figural singing, p.1
2. Clavier- und Generalbass-Traktieren, Keyboard and basso continuo treatment, p.31
2.1 Suites (Partitas, Dances), pp.47-71
2.2 Preludes, pp.72-95
2.3 Toccatinas, pp.96-112
2.4 Toccatas, pp.113-152
2.5 Intonation Fugues, pp.154-164
2.6 Fugues, pp.165-179
3. Instrumente, Instruments p.188
3.1 Violin, pp.189-197
3.2 Viola, pp.198-205
3.3 Viola da Gamba, pp.205-207
3.4 Trumpet, pp.208-219
3.5 Timpani, pp.219-221
3.6 Trombone, pp.221-231
3.7 Cornett, pp.232-241
3.8 Bassoon, pp.241-257
3.9 Recorder, Flageolet (fingering charts), pp.257b-258b
4. Komposition, Composition, p.261
First Publication. 1697
Language German
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation includes methods for violin, viola, viola da gamba, violone, trumpet, timpani, trombone, cornetto, bassoon, flageolet, recorder

Navigation etc.

Speer fully exploited the range of keys of his time and was the first to arrange his keyboard works in a cycle according to minor and major thirds (1. D major, 2. B minor, 3. G major, 4. E minor, 5. C major, 6. A minor, 7. A major, 8. F major, 9. D minor, 10. B-flat major, 11. G minor, 12. E-flat major, 13. C minor). In the presented book this applies to the following types of keyboard works: Suits (Partitas), Preludes, Toccatinas, Toccatas, Intonation Fugues and Fugues. He is thus considered one of the early forerunners of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier.