Globus Verlag

cover 1920s
'Jugendstil' cover 1901




Globus Verlag of Berlin was a general publisher (1890s-) with titles from city and etiquette guides (Der gute Ton: Handbuch der feinen Lebensart und guten Sitte, 1892), to novels. Its catalog also featured a long series of culture guides (1910-) (Führer) : Führer durch das Schauspiel, Führer durch die moderne Literatur, Führer durch das Schauspiel der Gegenwart etc. Some of theses were musical: Führer durch die Operetten, Führer durch die Opern and Johannes Brahms : ein Führer durch seine Werke (1912).

The catalog extended to a series of popular music albums (1910 to 1930): with titles based either on genres: Globus Salon-Album, Tanz-Album, Klassiker-Album (mainly arranged by Camillo Morena) or on specific composers: Schubert-Liszt-Album : Raff Album, Rubinstein-Album, Offenbach-Album, Brahms Lieder-Album and Franz Abt-Album.
Globus also published a Paul-Lincke-Album of the Berlin operetta composer Paul Lincke, active from 1899 to 1930, although his main publisher was Apollo-Verlag.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies



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