Gebrüder Reinecke

cover 1893
decorative cover 1893
cover 1902
Lyrica series cover ca. 1900



Carl Reinecke (1824-1910), at an advanced age, and his brother operated this firm in Leipzig from 1890, but it was wound up after the premises were destroyed in 1943.

The company published many works by Reinecke, songs and piano pieces by composers such as Josef Liebeskind and Arnoldo Sartorio, and string works by Moritz Scharf, Hans Sitt (violin), and Julius Klengel (cello) including Lyrica, a series of arrangements for cello (Klengel). There were some historic items, such as a series of Dittersdorf works to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his death in 1799 (see his Symphony in F major), and a book on the Mozart piano concertos. Production was fairly vigorous, for example 40 items in 1895.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Gebrüder Reinecke
  • Gebr. Reinecke


  • Leipzig

Plate Numbers

Plate numbers are in the following format: G. #### R.

Plate Composer Work Year
0047 Bach Air in E-flat major 1891
0111 Reinecke Fest-Ouvertüre, Op.218 1893
1102 Reinecke Romanze, Op.263 1903
1371 Haarklou Violin Sonata, Op.41 (score) 1922

All Plates

Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear

Authority Control

  • VIAF (Reinecke, Gebrüder. Verlag)
  • VIAF (Gebrüder Reinecke)
  • VIAF (Gebrüder Reinecke (Lipsk))

Sources Consulted