Historical Publication Info
Alfredo Fertin de Vasconcellos (pianist, composer, music teacher and director of Instituto Nacional de Música) published the musical periodical Gazeta Musical, since 1890's in Rio de Janeiro. In 1891 he began to publish sheet music with the collection Terpsicore and later he associated with the french immigrant Morand.
Addresses & Imprints
- Fertin de Vasconcellos & Cia.: Rua do Carmos, 25
- Fertin de Vasconcellos & Morand: Rua da Quitanda, 42
- Fertin de Vasconcellos & Morand: Rua do Ouvidor, 147
Sources consulted
Plate number
A. Fertin de Vasconcellos & Cia.: (###)
Fertin de Vasconcello & Morand/Fertin, Morand & Cia.: F. ### M.