Misc. Notes
Source, alternative formats, and notes: [more...] From a transcription of a clavichord record by Joan Benson (Bridge S 2250) on Pandora Records. It was a "recommended recording of the year" (1973) by the Saturday Review. Ogg Vorbis files can be found here. Instrument: [more...] The clavichord, popular from the 15th to 18th century, is the simplest and quietest of all the keyboard instruments. It is for personal use and not for concerts. To approximate its true sound your playback level must be very low. While rock music resides in the upper injurious levels of human hearing, the clavichord occupies the lowest levels. The instrument however has a wide dynamic range; its lowest levels are barely perceptible, while the upper levels can reach an audience in a small room who are intently listening.
This recording is on clavichords by Thomas Goff of England and Jacobus Verwolf of the Netherlands.