Estudo Para o Anelar Direito (Albano da Conceição, Levino)

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MP3 file (audio)
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/27)

Publisher Info. Estudo Para o Anelar Direito, 2021.
Performers Guitar (Musescore 3.0)
Misc. Notes Attention: This audio file was generated in Musescore 3.0, just for reference.
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TN-PMLP1297293-Estudo Para o Anelar Direito - Levino Albano-2269.jpg

Sheet Music


PDF scanned by Unknown
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/27)

Copyist Francisco Soares de Souza (1905-1986)
Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.(ca.1942?).
Misc. Notes This study was copied by the Brazilian guitarist and composer Francisco Soares de Souza, around the 1940s. Francisco Soares was a friend of Levino da Conceição.
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PDF typeset by Kennedy Cirino
Kennedy Violão (2022/11/27)

Editor Francisco Soares de Souza (1905-1986)
Kennedy Cirino (b. 1995)
Publisher. Info. Tribute edition, 2021.
Misc. Notes This version is based on the manuscript by the original copyist, Francisco Soares de Souza.
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General Information

Work Title Estudo Para o Anelar Direito
Alternative. Title
Composer Albano da Conceição, Levino
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. ILA 7
Key E minor
First Publication. 1942 ca.
Average DurationAvg. Duration 2 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation guitar
Extra Information Here, one of Levino da Conceição's concerns is the creation of studies for the development of his students. This piece recalls the famous study in E minor by Antonio Rovira. This study has the purpose of developing the ring finger of the right hand. Levino da Conceição knew the systematized style of music very well, so he created various support materials for the guitar.