Edm. Stoll

Typical cover
Typical cover of piano work for children



This firm was established in Leipzig in 1850 and published music for domestic use: songs, piano pieces, and violin pieces. It was founded by Edmund Stoll, who co-founded the famous company C.F.W. Siegel, first known as Siegel and Stoll, in 1842. Apparently, the Stoll firm was acquired by Pohl-Wohnlich of Basel in 1909 (Monatsbericht (1909), p.253).

It published a few classics, such as Mozart's violin sonatas, but mainly contemporary composers such as C.T. Brunner, H.J. Tschirsch, F.W. Kretschmar, W. Cramer, K. Zollner, and M. Hanisch.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Edm. Stoll


  • Leipzig

Plate Numbers

  • Stoll's plate numbers are of the format of ###. Dates in italics are estimated.
Plate Composer Work Year
0219 Kéler Courier-Galopp, Op.19 1857
0549 Wallace Petite polka de concert, Op.13 1860
0680 Struth 50 kleine und leichte Clavierstücke, Op.117 1873
0845 Tschirch Impromptu-Solo, Op.68 1869
1061 Lange Träumende Blumen, Op.70 (arr. piano 4 hands) 1872
Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear

Sources Consulted