Editio Musica Budapest




Editio Musica Budapest (EMB) is the Hungarian music publisher formerly known as the Hungarian State Music Publisher.

This state-owned firm was installed by the communist government on July 1st 1950 under the name of Zeneműkiadó Vállalat by liquidation of most private music publishers, such as Rózsavölgyi & Co., Magyar Kórus Publishers, Nádor, Csárdás, etc. In 1953 the name was changed into Editio Musica Budapest and cooperations with international music publishers began. In 1994 the firm was privatised again, renamed as Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó KFT. It was subsequently sold to Ricordi and ultimately absorbed by Bertelsmann (BMG). In 2004, BMG sold EMB to Universal Music Publishing Group.


  • Neue Liszt-Ausgabe
  • Kispartitúrák (Taschenpartituren; Pocket Scores)
  • Régi kamarazene (Alte Kammermusik; Early Chamber Music)
  • Ifjúsági zenekari művek (Werke für Jugendorchester; Works for Junior Orchestra)
  • Ifjúsági vonoszenekari művek (Werke für Jugendstreichorchester; Works for Junior String Orchestra)

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • 1950-1953 - Zeneműkiadó Vállalat
  • 1953-present - Editio Musica Budapest
Note: Zeneműkiadó sometimes appears as an imprint on later scores as well. So the same score might have both Editio Musica and Zeneműkiadó
Interpretation of imprint often found on the last page.
Z.7752/6 = plate number/edition
(4,3 A/5 ív) = size/dimension
2005/020 = printing date/registering number of the printing house

Plate Nos.

Other Publications

For publications/printed music that may not been uploaded to IMSLP yet.

External Links

See: EMB website

Authority control