Work Title
Alternative. Title
Ecclesiodiae, das ist Kirchen Gesäng. Nemblich die gebräuchlichsten Psalmen Davids, so nicht allein viva voce, sondern auch zu Musicalischen Instrumenten Christlich zugebrauchen. Mit 4. 5. und 6. Stimmen componirt
Walliser, Christoph Thomas
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
50 psalms:
- Psalm I - 5 voices
- Gloria to Psalm I - 6 voices
- Psalm III - 4 voices
- Psalm XII [1st setting] - 4 voices
- Gloria to Psalm XII - 5 voices
- Psalm XII [2nd setting] - 6 voices
- Gloria to Psalm XIII - 5 voices
- Psalm XIV - 5 voices
- Gloria to Psalm XIV - 5 voices
- Psalm XV - 5 voices
- Psalm XXIII - 5 voices
- Gloria to Psalm XXIII - 6 voices
- Psalm XXXI - 5 voices
- Gloria to Psalm XXXI - 5 voices
- Psalm XXXVII - 5 voices
- Psalm XLVI - 5 voices
- Gloria to Psalm XLVI - 5 voices
- Psalm LI [1st setting] - 5 voices
- Psalm LI [2nd setting] - 5 voices
- Psalm LI [3rd setting] - 5 voices
- Psalm LIII - 5 voices
- Psalm LXVII [1st setting] - 4 voices
- Psalm LXVII [2nd setting] - 6 voices
- Psalm LXXI - 5 voices
- Psalm LXXIII - 5 voices
- Psalm LXXIX - 5 voices
- Psalm CIII - 5 voices
- Psalm CX - 5 voices
- Psalm CXIV - 5 voices
- Psalm CXVII [1st setting] - 4 voices
- Psalm CXVII [2nd setting] - 6 voices
- Psalm CXIX - Es sind doch selig alle die - 5 voices
- Psalm CXIX - Hilff Herre Gott dem deinen Knecht - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXIV - Wer Gott nit mit uns dise Zeit [1st setting] - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXIV - Wer Gott nit mit uns dise Zeit [2nd setting] - 6 voices
- Psalm CXXIV - Wo Gott der Herr nicht bey uns helt [1st setting] - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXIV - Wo Gott der Herr nicht bey uns helt [2nd setting] - 6 voices
- Psalm CXXV - 5 voices
- Gloria to Psalm CXXV - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXVII - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXVIII [1st setting] - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXVIII [2nd setting] - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXX [1st setting] - 5 voices
- Gloria to Psalm CXXX - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXX [2nd setting] - 6 voices
- Psalm CXXX [3rd setting] - 4 voices
- Gloria to Psalm CXXX - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXXIII - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXXVII - 5 voices
- Psalm CXXXIX - 5 voices
First Publication.
the 7 churches in Strasbourg
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
4-6 voices or instruments