Work Title
Die neue Harmonie, oder eine neue Sammlung con Kirchen-Musik; enthaltend viele Musikalische-Stuecke und Kirchen-Melodien, welche noch nie im Druck erschienen, und manche die neulich fuer dieses Werk componiret worden sind; zusammengetragen aus den beruehmtesten Autoren neuerer Zeit, nebst hinlaenglichem Unterricht fuer Singschulen. von Michael Bentz, York, Penn.
Alternative. Title
The New Harmony, or a new collection of church-music; containing a number of musical pieces and church-tunes, which have never before appeared in print, and some that have been lately composed for this Collection. Collected from the most celebrated authors of modern times; together with complete instructions for singing Schools. by Michael Bentz, York, PA.
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
First Publication.
English / German
Piece Style
2-4 voices (some pieces with instrumental passages)