Contents Listing of Vinci's Artaserse



Contents Listing


  • \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 4/4 \mark "Presto" 
d, r8 d16 cis d8 a d fis d4 r8 d16 cis d8 a d fis e4 r8 e16 d e8 a, e' g e4 r8 e16 d}
  • \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 2/2 \mark "Grave"
d2 r4 r16 f16 (e d) a'4 a, r4 r16 c16 (bes a) d4 bes' d,4.\trill cis16 (d) e2 r2 f2 r4 r16 a16 (g f)}
  • \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 3/4 \mark "Minuetto" 
d8 a fis' d a' d, b'4 \appoggiatura a8 g2 a4 cis, d e8 d cis b a4 \tuplet 3/2 {fis'8 e d} b'4 a \tuplet 3/2 {gis8 fis e} a4 d,}

Act I

Scene Movement Key Forces Incipt Misc. Notes
1 Recitative
[Arbace, Mandane]
Aria of Mandane
Conservati fedele
S, str, bc
2 Recitative
[Artabano, Arbace]
Aria of Arbace
Fra cento affanni e cento
G S, str, bc \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4 \mark "Presto" \partial 8 g8 g b b d d e e fis g4 g,\trill r8 g g g a4 a\trill r8 a a a b16 b' b b}
3 Recitative
[Artabano, Artaserse]
Aria of Artabano
Su le sponde del torbido Lete
T, str, bc \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time  4/4 \mark "Presto" bes2 c\trill d8 c bes a bes d c es d c bes a bes c d es f g f g f es d c}
4 Recitative
[Artaserse, Megabise]
5 Recitative
[Semira, Artaserse, Megabise]
Aria of Artaserse
Per pietà, bell'idol mio
S, str, bc
6 Recitative
[Semira, Megabise]
Aria of Megabise
Sogna il guerrier le schiere
S, 2tpt, 2hn,
2ob, str, bc
7 Recitative
Aria of Semira
Bramar di perdere
2ob, str, bc
8 Recitative
[Mandane, Artaserse]
9 Recitative
[Artabano, Artaserse, Mandane]
10 Recitative
[Semira, Artaserse,
Mandane, Artabano]
11 Recitative
[Megabise, Artaserse, Semira,
Artabano, Mandane, Arbace]
Aria of Artaserse
Deh respirar lasciatemi
str, bc
12 Recitative
[Mandane, Semira, Arbace,
Artabano, Megabise]
Aria of Artabano
Non ti son padre
str, bc
13 Recitative
[Arbace, Semira, Mandane, Megabise]
Aria of Semira
Torna innocente e poi
str, bc
14 Recitative
[Arbace, Mandane, Megabise]
Aria of Mandane
Dimmi che un empio sei
str, bc
15 Accompanied recitative of Arbace
No che non ha la sorte
Aria of Arbace
Vo solcando un mar crudele
D 2ob, 2hn,
str, bc

Act II

Scene Movement Key Forces Incipt Misc. Notes
1 Recitative
[Artaserse, Artabano]
Aria of Artaserse
Rendimi il caro amico
2 Recitative
[Artabano, Arbace]
Aria of Arbace
Mi scacci sdegnato!
3 Recitative
[Artabano, Megabise]
4 Recitative
[Artabano, Semira]
Aria of Artabano
Amalo e se al tuo sguardo
5 Recitative
[Semira, Megabise]
Aria of Megabise
Non temer ch'io mai ti dica
6 Recitative
[Semira, Mandane]
Aria of Mandane
Se d'un amor tiranno
7 Recitative
Aria of Semira
Se del fiume altera l'onda
8 Recitative
[Artaserse, Megabise]
9 Recitative
[Semira, Mandane, Artaserse]
10 Recitative
[Artabano, Artaserse, Semira,
Mandane, Megabise]
11 Recitative
[Arbace, Artaserse, Artabano,
Mandane, Semira]
Aria of Arbace
Per quel paterno amplesso
12 Recitative
[Mandane, Artabano]
Aria of Mandane
Va' tra le selve ircane
13 Recitative
[Artaserse, Semira]
Aria of Semira
Per quell'affetto
14 Recitative
[Artaserse, Artabano]
Aria of Artaserse
Non conosco in tal momento
15 Recitative
Aria of Artabano
Così stupisce e cade


Scene Movement Key Forces Incipt Misc. Notes