
Masse cover 1850s




Celeste Cendrier operated this Parisian firm from 1839 to 1859, when it was bought by E. Saint-Hilaire. Auguste O'Kelly (1829-1900) took it over in 1872. The catalog contained popular songs by Paul Henrion, Antoine-Louis Clapisson,(1808-1866) and others, and operas by Felicien David and Victor Masse. BNF cat lists over 500 works.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Celeste Cendrier
  • Mme. Cendrier


  • 1 then 7 then 11 rue du faubourg Poissonnière, Paris

Engraving and Printing Partners

Plate Numbers

  • Plate numbers are in the following formats: Mme.C. ; C. ###.
Plate Composer Work Year
3 Henrion Tu viendrais prier 1839
22 Henrion Un jour 1840
431 Ravina Études de style et de perfectionnement, Op.14 (book 2) 1847
536 Varney Barcarolle de 'Monte Cristo' 1848
546 Varney Chœur des Girondins 1848
615 Massé Les noces de Jeannette 1853
773 Massé La reine Topaze 1857
  • Other plate styles:
Plate Composer Work Year
A.T.1 David Herculanum 1859
A.T.19 Arban Polka sur 'Herculanum' 1859

Sources Consulted

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