Category talk:Papen, Petrus

From 1689 till his dead : organist at the "Sint-Pieters"church in Leuven (Belgium) - advisor at the construction of some new organs - did little organ-reparations (tuning?) in several churches - only 4 of his compositions are known : 2 "Arie" (edited by Schott - Brussels - in a 19th-c. edition) and the 2 Fugues in the Cocquiel-manuscript (1741)


Jean-Pierre FELIX : Petrus Papen, Organist van de Collegiale Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven, componist en orgelexpert, in 'Mededelingen van de Geschied- en Oudheidkundige Kring voor Leuven en omgeving, deel XXXII, 1992.