Before 1876: Shortly organist and marching band conductor at Bardi, Emilia. In charge of musical teaching for militar's daughters in Turin. Leads the collection of sacred music for organ "Arpa davidica", ed.Vismara, Milan (1869)
1886: Founds in association with [[,_Vincenzo V.Petrali]] the "Arpa Sacra" journal, edited in Turin (Giudici e Strada) in agrement with the sacred music laws. But Petrali dies 1889.
After his father's death, in a competition he is awarded the title of music school director of Alessandria.
Mentions in Vismara's catalog: initially only organ. Plate 4034: 1868. Collaborates with "Palestra musicale" and "La Banda" in Rome.
Elogious article in "Patriota", Pavia, by Rossi, 2-12-1873 and in "Nazionale", Florence, by Biaggi, 17-3-1874.
Writes a "Trattato teorico-pratico per organo", Giudici e Strada, c.a. 1880-1881, Plate 13900.