Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information. |
My preferred name is Athena, but for legal purposes, I use Henry for my compositions and arrangements. All my works here are free to download and you may perform them privately unless marked otherwise. School performances do not count as private performances. All my works are free to download, but please get permission to perform them publicly. You have all rights from the CC liscence, but please do not perform my works publicly without consulting me. Find me on MuseScore at https://musescore.com/user/63718555
"I don't want money from my compositions, I just want attention"
-Athena (Henry) Vay, 2024