The following is a list of people represented on IMSLP who are not affiliated with a nationality.
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This category has the following 187 subcategories, out of 187 total.
AB- Baasner, Michael
- Babcock, Gaylon
- Baker, Rowan
- Baldauff, Johann Michael
- Battler, David E.
- Beimert, Anita
- Bellisario, Christian
- Böhme, Curt
- Borggrefe, G.
- Borrero, Kelvin
- Bullock, Sam
- Bulloso, Alexander B.
CDEFGH- Habern, Carl Joseph
- Halperine, Pauline
- Hammond, Alfred Waymark
- Hanft, Marjorie
- Hansen, Hans Brix
- Hanssen, Bram
- Hayes, Gregory
- Helfers, Heinrich
- Hernandez, Joaquin
- Herrick, Howard
- Herrmann, H.
- Hillier, Robert
- Hodges, E.
- Holleran, Laura
- Holmes, Phil
- Houitel, E. le
- Howard, Graham
- Hrdinský
- Huber, Carl
- Huneycutt, Allyson
- Hutchinson, Tomas
IJKL | L cont.- Lacasse, Marie-Ève
- Larue, Louis
- Lau Acosta, Jesús D.
- Lea, Henry
- Lee, Warren
- Letendre, Aline
- Locati, Gabriel
- Loebel, Richard Rillo
- Logan, Walter McGregor
- Luk, Ken
- Lyu, Yuezhou
M- Maillan, Francis
- Mangold, Daniel
- Marguerre, Philipp
- Marks, Berthold
- Marras, Giovanni
- Mauriz, Fernando
- McGann, Daniel
- Meca Guevara, Francisco Javier
- Mesias, Rodney
- Metcalf, William H. F.
- Miller, Franz
- Montalvão
- Munnari, André
NOP- Paine, Edward
- Paratte, Johan
- Parker, Danny
- Percival, Mary
- Petech, Diana
- Philp, Wes
- Pinto, Salvatore Ignazio
- Plowman, Alistair
- Polska, Geo
- Ponsard, Eugène
R- Rachkovskaya, Valentina
- Rakanovic, Bojan
- Rayner, Clare G.
- Ripanti, Luca
- Ristow, Gregory
- Ritter, Eugene W.
- Ritter, Marie Edwards von
- Rodrigues, Leonardo
- Roer, Ferdinand
- Roessel, Anatol von
- Rosen, Daniel
- Roy, Ivan
- Ruh, Anna
- Ruslan, Alexandr
S- Saint-Félix, Théobald
- Sánchez, Eduardo Álvarez
- Saral, Ali Riza
- Schaffer, Amy Hill
- Scholes, James
- Sercombe, Evan
- Simon, Hermann
- Singer, Florence M.
- Sisak, Peter
- Somerville, Murray Forbes
- Spanyi, Miklos Mikael
- Speer, Klaus
- Spencer, Andrew
- Spicer, Shawn
- Spivey, M. Boucher
- Staunton, Sarah
- Steiner, Hans
- Stifter, Emily
- Stoner, Philip
- String-Mastery
- Sturm, Franz Josef