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Louis Tocaben
(13 September 1864 — fl.1943?)
External links
- Detailed biography: None given
See also
- Photo + info in The Crescendo (Boston, October, 1913), V.6, No.4, p.9. Born in Paris, came to New York in 1871, ..., well known mandolin player, ...
- Mandolin Glossary some information about Louis Tocaben (moved from Paris to NY in 1870)
Miscellaneous information
- Someone by this name is mentioned as leader of the "Tocaben Mandolin Quartette" in 1894. There are quite a few mandolin arrangements credited to Louis Tocaben, so guessing this is the same person. The Library of Congress mentions copyrights/renewals in his name by him (not another family member - though could this be a Louis Tocaben Jr.? - guessing not...) as late as 1943 (after that it's by Seredy-Tocaben.) Federal census records for the 1920s and 1930s suggest then this may? be the Louis Tocaben born ca.1865 (perhaps traveling at age 5 to the USA, still alive in the 1930s... it might work though more definite information seems needed.)
Collections (1)
Collections by or with: Tocaben, Louis
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As Arranger (1)
Arrangements by: Tocaben, Louis
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