(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Speth, Johann.)
Johann Speth
(9 November 1664 — after 1719)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johannes Speth
Name in Other Languages: ヨハン・スペス, چوهان سپيث, Johannes Speth
Aliases: Johann Spaeth, Johann Spethen
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 87526313, LCCN: n87830120, ISNI: 0000000063031489, GND: 124825605, BNF: 13936862z, MusicBrainz: 3d5b3930-bc7c-41e1-b3aa-b0711732ed65, NKC: jn20030219005, BNE: XX1745308
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Pages in category "Speth, Johann/Collections"
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