(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Sgambati, Giovanni.)
Giovanni Sgambati
(28 May 1841 — 14 December 1914)
Name in Other Languages: جيوڤانى سجامباتى, Giuseppe Sgambati, جیوانی اسگمباتی, ジョヴァンニ・ズガンバーティ, 조반니 스감바티, [5 more...]Giovanni Sgambatti, Джованни Сгамбати, Джованні Сґамбаті, 乔瓦尼·斯甘巴蒂, 喬瓦尼·斯甘巴蒂
Aliases: 斯甘巴蒂, Sgambati, ジョヴァンニ・スガンバーティ, Сгамбати Джованни, G.(Giovanni) Sgambati
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 10034665, LCCN: n82078494, ISNI: 000000008089397X, [11 more...]GND: 11890745X, SUDOC: 241518342, BNF: 13899691s, BIBSYS: 4035713, MusicBrainz: 3ade964b-ba97-4e9d-b03c-a7aa7b0cfdbd, NLA: 35149605, NKC: xx0058956, ICCU: LO1V133236, BNE: XX1673817, CiNii: DA10965706, IATH: w6gh9vv9
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Confusingly, two sets of opus numbers exist for Sgambati's works, and for this reason both are used in IMSLP's page titles. The first follows the composer's own list of opus numbers, as referenced in Grove Online. The second shows the opus number under which the work was originally published.