The list below includes all pages in the category "Secular oratorios ". This includes all oratorios on non-religious subjects. See also Sacred oratorios , Oratorios .
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Pages in category "Secular oratorios"
The following 95 pages are in this category, out of 95 total.
❉ – All (95) 🔊 – Recordings (4) 𝐍 – Naxos (18) S – Scores (72) P – Parts (29) V – Vocal Scores (51) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (18) L – Libretti (6) O – Other (3) 🔀 📻
A Achilleus, Op.50 (Bruch, Max) Actu Oratorio (Franck, Melchior) Admiralitätsmusik, TWV 24:1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp) Albrecht Beiling, Op.8 (Brandts Buys, Henri François Robert) Alexander's Feast, HWV 75 (Handel, George Frideric) L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55 (Handel, George Frideric) Amazing Joseph, Op.57 (Alburger, Mark) Amor und Psyche, Op.3 (Schumann, Georg) An Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62 (Handel, George Frideric) Ani's Papyrus (Saral, Ali Riza) Arcadia (Stanley, John) Arminius, Op.43 (Bruch, Max) L'arte musicale in Italia (Torchi, Luigi) Der Aufzug der Romanze, Op.18 (Rudorff, Ernst)B C La caduta di Adamo (De Grandis, Vincenzo) Il Cantico del Cantici di Salomone (Anzoletti, Marco) The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 (Handel, George Frideric) Colombo (Gomes, Carlos) Columbus, Op.30 (Zöllner, Heinrich) Creation Oratorio (Young, Sabrina Pena) Cris du monde, H.77 (Honegger, Arthur)D E F G H I J K K cont. M N O Ode to Discord (Stanford, Charles Villiers) Odysseus, Op.41 (Bruch, Max) Oedipus Rex, K047 (Stravinsky, Igor) On Guard for Peace, Op.124 (Prokofiev, Sergey) One Thousand and One Nights (Li, Cheng-Shiun) Oratorio for Baritone, Op.461 (Beatty, Stephen W.) Oratorio for Mezzo-soprano, Chorus and Strings, Op.1341 (Beatty, Stephen W.) Oratorio for Soprano and Tenor, Op.1314 (Beatty, Stephen W.) Otto der Grosse, Op.20 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)P Das Paradies und die Peri, Op.50 (Schumann, Robert) The Pilgrim's Progress, Op.37 (Kelley, Edgar Stillman) Polyxena, Op.88 (Gouvy, Louis Théodore) The Prelude (Smith, Michael Jon) La Prière de France (Dubois, Théodore) Prométhée triomphant (Hahn, Reynaldo) Prometheus' Zegepraal (Benoit, Peter)R S Saul of Tarsus (Parry, Joseph) Saul! Saul!, Op.67 (Alburger, Mark) Semele, HWV 58 (Handel, George Frideric) Die sieben Schläfer, Op.46 (Loewe, Carl) Die sieben Todsünden (Goldschmidt, Adalbert von) Solomon, Op.70 (Alburger, Mark) Spring's Son (Mansurov, Eldar) Strengleikar (Björgvin Guðmundsson) A Survivor from Warsaw, Op.46 (Schoenberg, Arnold) Susanna, HWV 66 (Handel, George Frideric) Sylvesterglocken (Koessler, Hans) Szenen aus Goethes Faust, WoO 3 (Schumann, Robert)T U V W Z Ś