- A Connecticut Yankee (King, Robert A.)
- A Little Bit of Irish (Le Boy, Grace)
- A Little Bit of Sunshine (Hanley, James F.)
- A-L-E (Schwartz, Jean)
- All Aboard for Chinatown (Brookhouse, Win)
- All Hands Around (Friedman, Leo)
- All that I Ask of You Is Love (Ingraham, Herbert)
- Alone with Thoughts of You (Nichols, George A.)
- Always the Same, Sweet Pal (Weinberg, Charles)
- Amo (Ingraham, Herbert)
- Among the Whispering Pines (Jentes, Harry)
- An Echo of Her Smile (Howard, Joseph)
- An' Futhermore (Warren, Harry)
- And They Say He Went to College (Furth, Seymour)
- Angel Eyes (Kendis, James)
- Annabelle (Henderson, Ray)
- Another Mule Hitched in Your Stall (Pinkard, Maceo)
- Any Little Girl Can Make a Bad Man Good (Hanley, James F.)
- Any Little Girl, That's a Nice Little Girl, Is the Right Little Girl for Me (Fisher, Fred)
- Any Old Place I Can Hang My Hat Is Home Sweet Home to Me (Schwartz, Jean)
- Are You Playing Fair? (Cohen, Henry R.)
- At Mammy's Fireside (Carroll, Harry)
- At the Dixie Military Ball (Carroll, Harry)
- At the End of the Road (Hanley, James F.)
- At the Music Hall (Schwartz, Jean)
- Atta Boy (Osborne, Nat)
- Autumn (King, Robert A.)
- Aw, Gee! Don't Be that Way Now (Turk, Roy)
- Awake, Beloved for Our Wedding Morn (Manning, Clarice)
- Away Down East in Maine (Donaldson, Walter)
- Away Down South in Heaven (Warren, Harry)
- Baby Mine (Manning, Clarice)
- Baby Shoes (Piantadosi, Al)
- Baby's Prayer Will Soon Be Answered (Baskette, Billy)
- Back to the Woods (Schwartz, Jean)
- Balmoral (Spink, George A.)
- Be Good to California, Mr. Wilson (King, Robert A.)
- Beautiful Hawaii (King, Robert A.)
- Beautiful Ohio (King, Robert A.)
- Bedelia (Schwartz, Jean)
- Before I Grew Up to Love You (Friedman, Max)
- Behind the Clouds (Davis, Benny)
- Behind these Gray Walls (Robison, Carson)
- Big Blonde Baby (Fisher, Fred)
- Billiken (Gideon, Melville)
- Blessed Is He Who Is Loving and Blessed Is She Who Is Loved (Piantadosi, Al)
- Boogie Rag (Sweatman, Wilbur)
- Boston Bull (Walker, Raymond)
- Breeze (Hanley, James F.)
- Broken Blossoms (King, Robert A.)
- Bronco Buster (Jardon, Dorothy)
- Bronx Express (Creamer, Henry)
- Budweiser's a Friend of Mine (Furth, Seymour)
- Build Your Nest, Away Down in My Heart (Jardon, Dorothy)
- By the Beautiful Sea (Carroll, Harry)
- By the Old Ohio Shore (King, Robert A.)
- By the Pyramids (Fiorito, Ted)
- By Wireless Telephone (Brymn, James Timothy)
- Can You Blame Me for Lovin' that Man? (Von Tilzer, Harry)
- Caresses (Monaco, James Vincent)
- Carmen (Glogau, Jack)
- Caroline (McHugh, Jimmy)
- Casey's Wedding Night (Edwards, Gus)
- Chin-Chin Chinaman (Hanley, James F.)
- Ching a Ling a Loo (Hoffman, Max)
- Chop House Rag (Fowler, Edna May)
- Cigarette (Mathews, Don)
- Come Along and Hum Along with Me (Lyons, George)
- Come Back, Mirandy (Byrnes, James)
- Come Down Salomy Jane (Goetz, Edward Ray)
- Come Josephine in My Flying Machine (Fisher, Fred)
- Come, Love, and Play Peek-a-Boo (Schwartz, Jean)
- Cordalia Malone (Schwartz, Jean)
- Counterfeit Bill (Henderson, Ray)
- Cumberland (Mohr, Halsey K.)
- Cutey (Gideon, Melville)
- D-i-s! P-o-s! Z-e-s! Means Move (Brymn, James Timothy)
- Daddy, Won't You By Him for Me? (Puck, Harry)
- Daffy-Down-Dilly (Hill, John Leubrie)
- Dancing 'Neath the Irish Moon (Puck, Harry)
- Darling (Bowers, Frederic V.)
- Dat Lovin' Touch (Bennett, Leo)
- Dats a Bet (Perrin, Sid L.)
- De Dago, de Org' and de Monk (Von Tilzer, Harry)
- Dear Sing Sing (Schwartz, Jean)
- Dick Whittington and His Cat (Jardon, Dorothy)
- Did You Mean It? (Baker, Phil)
- Dixie Is Dixie Once More (Pinkard, Maceo)
- Do the Funny Fox Trot (Carroll, Earl)
- Don't Cry, Little Girl, Don't Cry (Pinkard, Maceo)
- Don't Take Advantage (Monaco, James Vincent)
- Don't Wake Me Up I Am Dreaming (Ingraham, Herbert)
- Down in Bom-Bombay (Carroll, Harry)
- Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow (Von Tilzer, Harry)
- Dreaming of Home Sweet Home (Hanley, James F.)
- Dreamy Alabama (King, Robert A.)
- Drip, Drip, Drip, Went the Waterfall (Carroll, Harry)
- Dusky Sandy from Sandusky, O-h-io (Hoffman, Max)
| E cont.
- I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None o' This Jellyroll (Williams, Spencer)
- I Feel So Lonely (O'Brien, Neil)
- I Lost My Heart in Honolulu (Edwards, Gus)
- I Love Her (Porter, Lew)
- I Love You, Honey, Love You 'Deed I Do (Nichols, George A.)
- I Need Some Pettin' (Fiorito, Ted)
- I Wanna Go Back (Hanley, James F.)
- I Want My Mammy (Breau, Louis)
- I Will Save My Love and Kisses All for You (Gaston, Will)
- I Wonder What He's Doing To-Night (Hanley, James F.)
- I'd Leave Ma Happy Home for You (Von Tilzer, Harry)
- I'm a Lonesome Little Rain Drop (Hanley, James F.)
- I'm Happy Go Lucky (Squires, Harry D.)
- I've Got a Smille that's Worth a Million Dollars (Allen, Minnie)
- In Africa (Ingraham, Herbert)
- In Hayti (Schwartz, Jean)
- In Old Manila (King, Robert A.)
- In the Everglades (Brymn, James Timothy)
- In Zanzibar (Edwards, Gus)
- Indian Characteristic (Van Alstyne, Egbert)
- Indiana (Hanley, James F.)
- Ireland's Loss Was Heaven's Gain (Vincent, Nat)
- It Takes a Little Rain with the Sunshine (Carroll, Harry)
- It Will Never Be Dry Down in Havana (Mohr, Halsey K.)
- It's Ray-Ray-Raining (Johnson, Howard)
- Jane (Mohr, Halsey K.)
- Jazz Babies' Ball (Pinkard, Maceo)
- Johnny I'll Take You (Edwards, Gus)
- Josephine, My Jo. (Brymn, James Timothy)
- Just a Minute (Orlob, Harold)
- Just Another Day Wasted Away (Tobias, Charles)
- Just Kiss Yourself Good-Bye (Schwartz, Jean)
- Just Leave It to Me (Pinkard, Maceo)
- Just Like a Rainbow (King, Robert A.)
- Lafayette (King, Robert A.)
- Lazy Mississippi (MacDonald, Ballard)
- Let Them Alone, They're Married (Carroll, Earl)
- Liberty Bell (Mohr, Halsey K.)
- Listen Lester (Orlob, Harold)
- Listen to that Jungle Band (Kendis, James)
- Little One, Good-Bye (Hein, Silvio)
- Long Boy (Walker, Barclay)
- Longing (Seymour, Frederick)
- Loop the Loop (Schwartz, Jean)
- Lost (Hanley, James F.)
- Love Bird (King, Robert A.)
- Love's Promise (Lincoln, Ethel)
- Mammy O' Mine (Pinkard, Maceo)
- May Moon (Vanderveer, William J.)
- Maybe (Lewis, Ted)
- Meet Me 'Neath the Persian Moon (Friedland, Anatol)
- Mississippi Ripples (Hanley, James F.)
- Mister Dooley (Schwartz, Jean)
- My Chain of Memories (Campbell, Francis Sylvestra)
- My Country, I Hear You Calling Me (Dreyer, Dave)
- My Drowsy Babe (Nichols, George A.)
- My Heart Keeps Right on Beating (Le Boy, Grace)
- My Love Song (Howard, Richard)
- My Sumurun Girl (Hirsch, Louis Achille)
- My Sweet Suzanna (Seeley, Blossom)
- My Sweetheart Is Somewhere in France (King, Robert A.)
- Off with the Old Love, on with the New! (Carroll, Harry)
- Oh! Min (Conrad, Con)
- Oh! Oh! Miss Phoebe (Von Tilzer, Harry)
- Oh! That Yankiana Rag (Gideon, Melville)
- Oh! You Angel (Dabney, Ford T.)
- Oh! You Mamma's Boy (Cooper, Joseph)
- Oh, You Devil (Dabney, Ford T.)
- Oh, You Kid! (Gideon, Melville)
- On a Little Farm in Normandie (Osborne, Nat)
- On the 'Gin 'Gin 'Ginny Shore (Donaldson, Walter)
- On the Mississippi (Carroll, Harry)
- Oriental Rose (Hirsch, Louis Achille)
- Over the Hill (Allen, Edgar)