The list below includes all pages in which there are items published by Johann Ulrich Haffner . Scores in this category have been designated as such via use of the template P and the identification of the publisher as Johann Ulrich Haffner .
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Pages in category "Scores published by Johann Ulrich Haffner"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
❉ – All (74) 𝐍 – Naxos (10) S – Scores (66) P – Parts (13) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (10) 🔀 📻
2 3 3 Clavier-Partien, Musicalisches Vergnügen Teil 1 (Trippenbach, Martin) 3 Flute Sonatas (Böhm, Gottfried) 3 Harpsichord Concertos, Op.3 (Agrell, Johan) 3 Harpsichord Concertos, Op.4 (Agrell, Johan) 3 Sonatas, 2 Ariosi and Variations (Müthel, Johann Gottfried) 3 Trio Sonatas, Op.2 (Kleinknecht, Jakob Friedrich) 36 Kurtze Praeludia, Teil 3 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)6 6 Clavier-Partien, Teil 1 (Kobrich, Johann Anton) 6 Clavier-Partien, Teil 2 (Kobrich, Johann Anton) 6 Clavier-Partien, Teil 4 (Kobrich, Johann Anton) 6 Clavier-Partien, Teil 6 (Kobrich, Johann Anton) 6 Concerti (Falckenhagen, Adam) 6 Concerti, Op.3 (Falckenhagen, Adam) 6 Duets, Op.1 (Schaffrath, Christoph) 6 Flute Sonatas, Op.1 (Kleinknecht, Jakob Friedrich) 6 Flute Sonatas, Op.3 (Platti, Giovanni Benedetto) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, 'Oeuvres melées', Part 1 (Various) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, 'Oeuvres melées', Part 4 (Various) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, 'Oeuvres melées', Part 6 (Various) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, Op.1 (Scarlatti, Domenico) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, Op.2 (Rutini, Giovanni Marco) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, Op.3 (Rutini, Giovanni Marco) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, Op.4 recte (Rutini, Giovanni Marco) 6 Harpsichord Sonatas, Wq.49 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) 6 Harpsichord Trios (Richter, Franz Xaver) 6 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.2 (Agrell, Johan) 6 Orchestra Trios, Op.1 (Stamitz, Johann) 6 Sinfonias (Förster, Christoph) 6 Sinfonias, Op.1 (Agrell, Johan) 6 Trios, Krebs-WV 317-322 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig) 6 Violin Sonatas (Leffloth, Johann Matthias) 64 Fugues or Versets and 16 Preludes, Teil 5 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)8 A C C cont. D E G H K Keyboard Sonata in A major (Agrell, Johan) Keyboard Sonata in A major (Appel, Georg Albert) Keyboard Sonata in A major (Eberlin, Johann Ernst) Keyboard Sonata in B-flat major (Lang, Johann Georg) Keyboard Sonata in B-flat major (Mozart, Leopold) Keyboard Sonata in B-flat major, SchW A4:006 (Scheibe, Johann Adolph) Keyboard Sonata in C major (Eberlin, Johann Ernst) Keyboard Sonata in D major (Appel, Georg Albert) Keyboard Sonata in E major, H.39 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Keyboard Sonata in F major (Brand, Johann Jakob) Keyboard Sonata in F major (Lang, Johann Georg) Keyboard Sonata in F major (Umstatt, Joseph) Keyboard Sonata in F major, H.58 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Keyboard Sonata in F minor (Kehl, Johann Balthasar) Keyboard Sonata in G major (Bach, Johann Ernst) Keyboard Sonata in G major (Benda, Georg) Keyboard Sonata in G major (Eberlin, Johann Ernst)M N O P R S V