The list below includes all pages in which there are items published by Coppenrath . Scores in this category have been designated as such via use of the template P and the identification of the publisher as Coppenrath .
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Pages in category "Scores published by Coppenrath"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
❉ – All (89) 🔊 – Recordings (4) 𝐍 – Naxos (8) S – Scores (81) P – Parts (13) V – Vocal Scores (1) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (11) 🔀 📻
2 2 Leichte Vortragsstücke, Op.72 (Höfer, Franz) 2 Pastorales, Hob.XXIIId:3, G1 (Haydn, Joseph) 2 Studies on 'Vater unser im Himmelreich' (Middelschulte, Wilhelm) 20 Meist leicht ausführbare Orgelstücke, Op.55 (Herzog, Johann Georg) 21 Tonstücke, Op.60 (Herzog, Johann Georg)3 4 5 6 7 8 A C Cantabo, Op.19 (Breitenbach, Clemens) Cantilena pro Adventu: 'Jesu Redemptor', Hob.XXIIId:3 (Haydn, Joseph) Cantilène in G major (Jongen, Joseph) Confitébor, Op.7 (Breitenbach, Clemens) Consolations, S.172 (Liszt, Franz) Cäcilie (Kothe, Bernhard)D E F Fantasia on 'Te Deum' and 'Großer Gott, wir loben dich' (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard) Fantasy for Organ in C major, Op.87 (Fuchs, Robert) Fantasy for Organ in E minor, Op.91 (Fuchs, Robert) Fest-Hymnus über 'Danket dem Herrn', Op.6 (Ottenwälder, Aloys) Fuge (Kralik, Mathilde) Fugue in A minor (Zach, Jan) Fugue in C minor, KomZ A4 (Zach, Jan)G H I K L M Mass in A major (Wagenseil, Georg Christoph) Mass in C major (Lotti, Antonio) Messa di San Giuseppe (Eberlin, Johann Ernst) Missa Ave verum corpus, Op.4 (Huber, Heinrich) Missa in h. S. Thomae Aquinatis (Mitterer, Ignaz) Missa in honorem B.M.V. de Loreto, Op.25 (Goller, Vinzenz) Missa in honorem B.M.V. de Loreto, Op.25b (Goller, Vinzenz)O Offertoire sur Adoro te devote (Guilmant, Alexandre) Offertorien für das ganze Kirchenjahr (Goller, Vinzenz) Offertorio sinfónico (Mas y Serracant, Domingo) Organ Sonata in F major (Bas, Giulio) Organ Sonata No.1, Op.19 (Dachs, Michael) Organ Sonata No.2, Op.20 (Dachs, Michael) Orgelschule, Op.33 (Schildknecht, Josef) Orgelstücke über Choralmelodien, Op.28 (Ravanello, Oreste)P Pastorale (Niedermeyer, Louis) Postlude (Foschini, Gaetano Ferdinando) Postlude on 'Et resurrexit tertia die', Op.174 (Bottazzo, Luigi) Prelude (Perosi, Lorenzo) Prelude and Postlude on 'Adeste fideles' (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard) Prelude in D major (Zach, Jan) Prelude in E Phrygian (Herzog, Johann Georg) Prelude on 'Asperges me' (Bottigliero, Eduardo) Prelude on 'Magnificat' Mode VIII, Op.52 (Remondi, Roberto) Prelude on 'Tonus peregrinus' (Herzog, Johann Georg) Prelude on 'Veni redemptor gentium' (Herzog, Johann Georg) Preludio in C minor (Capocci, Filippo)R S T V W