The list below includes all pages in which there are items published by A.Z. Mathot . Scores in this category have been designated as such via use of the template P and the identification of the publisher as A.Z. Mathot .
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Pages in category "Scores published by A.Z. Mathot"
The following 97 pages are in this category, out of 97 total.
❉ – All (97) 🔊 – Recordings (3) 𝐍 – Naxos (21) S – Scores (92) P – Parts (25) V – Vocal Scores (2) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (16) 🔀 📻
1 2 3 3 Mazurkas, Op.34 (Bernheimer, Gastone) 3 Pieces, H.23 (Honegger, Arthur) 3 Poèmes de Jacques Mornand (Inghelbrecht, Désiré Émile) 3 Poèmes de Lucile de Chateaubriand, Op.10 (Milhaud, Darius) 3 Songs, Op.111 (Moór, Emanuel) 3 Valses, Op.31 (Krzyżanowska, Halina) 3 Valses-Nocturnes, Op.31 (Schmitt, Florent)4 7 A À la manière de Borodine, M.63/1 (Ravel, Maurice) À la manière de Chabrier, M.63/2 (Ravel, Maurice) A la Manière de..., Op.17 (Casella, Alfredo) Andante et Scherzo, Op.35 (Schmitt, Florent) Aria, Op.5 (Capet, Lucien)B C Cello Sonata (Cassadó, Gaspar) Cello Sonata in F major (Huré, Jean) Cello Sonata in F-sharp major (Huré, Jean) Cello Sonata in F-sharp minor (Huré, Jean) Cello Sonata No.4, Op.76 (Moór, Emanuel) Cello Sonata, Op.8 (Casella, Alfredo) Chansons à quatre voix, Op.39 (Schmitt, Florent)D E F G H I L L cont. M N P Paysages et marines, Op.63 (Koechlin, Charles) Petite suite arménienne (Alexanian, Diran) Piano Quintet (Huré, Jean) Piano Quintet (Klemperer, Oscar) Piano Quintet, Op.51 (Schmitt, Florent) Piano Sonata No.1 (Huré, Jean) Piano Sonata No.1, Op.33 (Milhaud, Darius) Piano Sonata No.2, Op.103 (Moór, Emanuel) Polka des pets de nonne (Charton, Georges) Prelude, Op.102 (Moór, Emanuel) Prelude, Op.123 (Moór, Emanuel) Prélude No.2, Op.128 (Moór, Emanuel) Psaume XLVII, Op.38 (Schmitt, Florent) Pupazzi, Op.36 (Schmitt, Florent)R S Scene andalouse (Turina, Joaquín) Scherzo Vif, Op.59 (Schmitt, Florent) Silence (Delmas, Marc) Soir de Printemps (Sachs, Léo) Stabat Mater, Op.138 (Moór, Emanuel) String Quartet No.1 (Huré, Jean) String Quartet, Op.28 (Francmesnil, Roger de) Suite for 2 Cellos, Op.110 (Moór, Emanuel) Suite for 3 Violins, Op.133 (Moór, Emanuel) Suite for Cello and Piano, Op.117 (Moór, Emanuel) Suite for Cello Solo, Op.122 (Moór, Emanuel) Suite for Double Quintet, Op.103 (Moór, Emanuel) Symphony No.1, Op.5 (Casella, Alfredo)T V É