The list below includes all pages in the category "Scores featuring the piano 3 hands ". These include both original works and arrangements specifically for 2 players (3 hands) at a single piano , either as soloists or as part of a small instrumental ensemble.→ See also : Scores featuring the piano .
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Pages in category "Scores featuring the piano 3 hands"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.
❉ – All (37) 𝐍 – Naxos (8) S – Scores (36) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (8) B – Books (1) 🔀 📻
B C D G I J L M N P S Sehnsucht (Portes, Antoine) Solfège du pianiste (Panseron, Auguste Mathieu) Sonata for Keyboard 3-Hands in B-flat major, Op.5 (Mezger, Franz) Sonata for Keyboard 3-Hands in C major (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm) Sonata for Keyboard 3-Hands in D major (Seckendorff, Karl Siegmund von) Sonata for Keyboard 3-Hands in F major (Seckendorff, Karl Siegmund von) Sonata for Keyboard 3-Hands in F major (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm) Sonata for Keyboard 3-Hands in G major (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm) 6 Sonaten für Clavierspieler der mittlern Classe (Weiske, Johann Gottfried) Les Soupirs, Op.121 (Kalkbrenner, Friedrich Wilhelm)T V