The list below includes all pages in the category "Scores featuring the mandocello ". These include both original works and arrangements where the mandocello is either a solo instrument or plays as part of a small instrumental ensemble.→ See also : Scores featuring the mandolin — Scores featuring the mandola .
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Pages in category "Scores featuring the mandocello"
The following 53 pages are in this category, out of 53 total.
❉ – All (53) 𝐍 – Naxos (1) S – Scores (41) P – Parts (33) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (4) 🔀
A B C D E F G I K L M Madrigale, Op.244 (Munier, Carlo) Mandocello Study in C major (Boden, Andrew David) Mandolin Quartet in G major, Op.76 (Munier, Carlo) Mandolin Quartet, PVM 49 (Silva, Wenyo de Oliveira Aragão da) Mazurka-Serenata, Op.188 (Munier, Carlo) Memories From The Future (Hobbs, Joel R.) Metodo per liuto cantabile, Opp.85-88 (Calace, Raffaele)N O P Q R S Sharp 2, Op.10 (Aramaki, Michio) Solo for Mandocello in A minor, Op.2627 (Beatty, Stephen W.) Solo for Mandocello in C major, Op.2623 (Beatty, Stephen W.) Solo for Mandocello, Op.1801 (Beatty, Stephen W.) The Surface of the Sea, Op.19 (Aramaki, Michio)T U V