The list below includes all pages in the category "Scores featuring the flugelhorn ". These include both original works and arrangements where the flugelhorn is either a solo instrument or plays as part of a small instrumental ensemble.→ See also : Scores featuring the bugle — Scores featuring the saxhorn — Scores featuring the euphonium .
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Pages in category "Scores featuring the flugelhorn"
The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total.
❉ – All (87) 🔊 – Recordings (3) S – Scores (82) P – Parts (64) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (2) 🔀
A C Call of the Lonely (Kram, Richard) 3 Canons (Rondeau, Michel) Choral Spirituel (Schoonenbeek, Kees) Chorale-Fugue (Rondeau, Michel) 7 Christmas Duets (Rondeau, Michel) Christmas Lights (Rondeau, Michel) Christmas Morning (Rondeau, Michel) Christmas Muse (Rondeau, Michel) 4 Christmas Preludes (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Christmas Tunes (2) (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Christmas Tunes (3) (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Christmas Tunes (4) (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Christmas Tunes (5) (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Christmas Tunes (6) (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Christmas Tunes (7) (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Christmas Tunes (Rondeau, Michel) Christmastide (Rondeau, Michel) Les cloches de Noël (Rondeau, Michel) Concertino (Rondeau, Michel) Courons à la fête (Rondeau, Michel) Cradle Song (Rondeau, Michel)D E F Fanfares for Christmas (Rondeau, Michel) Fantasía Tanguera No.9 (Diz, Ezequiel) Feierlicher Auszug (Heinrichs, Martin) Finale for Trumpet and Organ, Op.74 (Spada, Luca) Flemish Nativity Suite (Rondeau, Michel) 3 Flugelhorn Duets (Rondeau, Michel) 24 Fughettas (Rondeau, Michel) Fugue in A-flat major (Rondeau, Michel) Fugue on 'Deck the Hall' (Rondeau, Michel)G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Salve Regina, Op.61 (Spada, Luca) The Scottish Weasel (Rondeau, Michel) Sei tu il mio pastor, Op.67 (Spada, Luca) 4 Stücke für Trompete und Orgel (Zintl, Frank) Suite of Bosnian Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Children Songs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Croatian Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Dalmatian Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Montenegrin Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Polish Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Russian Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Serbian Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Slovenian Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Suite of Ukrainian Airs (Rondeau, Michel) Symphony No.58 'Little Brass' (Rondeau, Michel) Symphony No.59 'The Military' (Rondeau, Michel)T V W Y