(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Schulz, Leo.)
Leo Schulz
(28 March 1865 — 12 August 1944)
Name in Other Languages: Лео Шульц, ليو ستشولز, Leon Schulz
Aliases: Шульц, Лео
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 142386412, LCCN: n85367818, ISNI: 0000000374632134, [5 more...]GND: 1170917380, BNF: 16584142p, MusicBrainz: 4c20f5e9-5773-41cf-860c-82d97b61603f, NKC: mzk2010594068, ICCU: MUSV059932
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In the 1920s he formed the
Old Masters Trio of New York with
Michael Press (1871-1938).