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Works by this person are generally in the public domain in Canada. Works by this person are not in the public domain in countries with a life+70 copyright term (including all EU countries), unless an exception applies. In the United States, all works first published before 1930 are in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright. See public domain for more information.
Works by this person may not be in the public domain in all countries. Please check the copyright laws of your country.
J. Alfred Schehl
(12 July 1882 — 20 September 1959)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Joseph Alfred Schehl
Show works by type/instrument
External links
- Detailed biography: Brief biography, taken from Mary Hubbell Osburn, Ohio composers and musical authors (Columbus OH: author, 1942)
See also
- Birkenhoerdt.net for someone of this name with July 12 1882-September 20 1959 dates- probably this composer, so copyright rules for a composer who died less than 50 years ago apply unless ambiguity can be resolved, one thinks. See-
Miscellaneous information
- Death Year sometimes given as 1937 instead, however. Unclear which date has more force behind it.
Compositions (10)
Compositions by: Schehl, J. Alfred
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.