(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Scarlatti, Alessandro .)
Alessandro Scarlatti (2 May 1660 — 24 October 1725)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti
Name in Other Languages: ألساندرو سكارلاتي , Алесандра Скарлаці , Алесандро Скарлати , Αλεσσάντρο Σκαρλάττι , الساندرو اسکارلاتی , [13 more... ] אלסנדרו סקרלטי , Ալեսանդրո Սկարլատի , アレッサンドロ・スカルラッティ , ალესანდრო სკარლატი , Алессандро Скарлатти , 알레산드로 스카를라티 , Alexander Scarlatti , Alesandro Skarlati , Alissandru Scarlatti , Aleksandro Skarlati , Алессандро Скарлатті , 亚历山德罗·斯卡拉蒂 , 亞歷山大·史卡拉第
Aliases: A.斯卡拉蒂 , A·斯卡拉蒂 , Alessandro Pietro Scarlatti , Alessandro Pietro Gaspare Scarlatti , Alexandre Scarlatti , [9 more... ] Alessandro Scarlati , Alejandro Scarlatti , Αλεσάντρο Σκαρλάτι , Scarlatti , أليساندرو سكارلاتي , Скарлатти Алессандро , Скарлатті Алессандро , სკარლატი , Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 27253076 , LCCN : n81058967 , ISNI : 0000000121253953 , [13 more... ] GND : 118605976 , SELIBR : 216886 , SUDOC : 032612540 , BNF : 13899453p , BIBSYS : 90735971 , MusicBrainz : 6aada4a8-2533-4fa9-a0c7-04c50a62c2ca , NLA : 35263222 , NDL : 00881068 , NKC : jn20000604811 , ICCU : LO1V133131 , BNE : XX1120929 , CiNii : DA03383802 , IATH : w62j6990
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"R " numbers for works are cited from: Giancarlo Rostirolla, Catalogo generale delle opere di Alessandro Scarlatti (Turin, 1972)
"H " numbers for works are cited from: Edwin Hanley, Alessandro Scarlatti's Cantate da Camera. A Bibliographical Study (diss., Yale University, typescript)
Pages in category "Scarlatti, Alessandro/Collections"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
❉ – All (44) 🔊 – Recordings (1) 𝐍 – Naxos (5) S – Scores (42) P – Parts (2) V – Vocal Scores (1) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (2) O – Other (1) 🔀 📻
3 A B C 5 Cantatas (Alfred Cortot's Collection) (Various) 46 Cantatas, D-B Mus.ms.30188 (Various) 17 Cantatas, F-Pn RES VMC MS-68 (Scarlatti, Alessandro) 6 Cantatas, I-MOe Mus.F.1362 (Various) 12 Cantatas, I-Nc Cantate 263 (Scarlatti, Alessandro) 31 Cantatas, I-Nc Cantate 276 (Scarlatti, Alessandro) 17 Cantatas, US-AAu №1283 (Scarlatti, Alessandro) 14 Cantatas, US-NHub Osborn Music MS.1 (Scarlatti, Alessandro) 4 Cantates profanes (Various) Clavecinistes espagnols et Portugais des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Various) A Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees (Warren, Thomas) 12 Concerti Grossi, GB-Lbl R.M.21.b.14 (Scarlatti, Alessandro) 24 Concertos for Recorder, Strings and Continuo (Various) 6 Concertos in Seven Parts (Scarlatti, Alessandro)E G K L M N O P S T V Y