The list below includes all pages in the category "Musettes ". This includes works designated by their composers as a 'Musette', or dance-like works of pastoral character whose style is suggestive of the sound of the musette or bagpipe. See also Pastorales .
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Pages in category "Musettes"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
❉ – All (44) 🔊 – Recordings (1) 𝐍 – Naxos (6) S – Scores (38) P – Parts (4) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (8) 🔀 📻
A B C D E G Gavotte and Musette, Op.24 (Valen, Fartein) Gavotte and Musette (Dohnányi, Ernő) Gavotte and Musette (Faulkes, William) Gavotte et musette, Op.57 (Saint-George, George) Gavotte et musette, Op.109 (Thomé, Francis) Gavotte et Musette (Logé, Henri) Gavotte et Musette (Palmgren, Selim) Gavotte-Musette (Aggházy, Károly) Gentillette, Op.26 (Bachmann, Georges)L M M cont. Musetta (Cattaneo, Pietro) Musette B-epistrochae-C/f-tensorality V-tetrapneumal C,b (Sysmoebius, Z Q) Musette bretonne, Op.50 (Toby, H. P.) Musette F/an-mero/C-planarity Y-Delta, Chi-mu (Sysmoebius, Z Q) Musette for Strings in E minor (Sysmoebius, Z Q) Musette in A minor (Marais, Marin) Musette in A-sharp Locrian mode (Sysmoebius, Z Q) Musette in C major (Hiller, Johann Adam) Musette in D major, BWV Anh.126 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Musette in G major (Daquin, Louis-Claude) Musette, CG 584 (Gounod, Charles) La Musette (Moonen, Léon-Hermann-René) Musette, Menuets et Gavotte (Rameau, Jean-Philippe) Musette, Op.3 (Rey, Étienne) Musette, Op.5 (Hellemans, Thomas) Musette, Op.11 (Alkan, Napoléon) Musette, Op.22 (Lack, Théodore) Musette, Op.24 (Offenbach, Jacques) Musette, Op.89 (Remondi, Roberto) Muzette in C minor (Balbastre, Claude-Bénigne)P S T