We need more information on Johann Heinrich Michel You can help by adding biography, nationality, dates of birth and death, generally anything unstubby
Johann Heinrich Michel (1739 — 24 February 1810)
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C.P.E. Bach's leading tenor in Hamburg and a prolific copyist of that composer's works. Described by C.P.E.'s wife as "the best copyist available".
As Copyist (45)
Works copied by: Michel, Johann Heinrich
The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.
❉ – All (45) 🔊 – Recordings (6) 𝐍 – Naxos (16) S – Scores (45) P – Parts (10) V – Vocal Scores (4) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (9) L – Libretti (1) O – Other (2) 🔀 📻
B D E F G H Harpsichord Concerto in B-flat major, H.447 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Harpsichord Concerto in C minor, H.448 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Herr wenn deine Wunder eilen, L.520 (Benda, Georg) Der Himmel majestätischer Lieder, L.539 (Benda, Georg) Himmel und Erde sind voll seiner Güte, L.535 (Benda, Georg)I J J cont. K M Magnificat in D major, H.772 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Magnificat in E-flat major, BWV 243a (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Mass in B minor, BWV 232 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Matthäus-Passion, H.782 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Matthäuspassion, BWV 244 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)N P S Sein Auge hat dich nun gesehen, L.531 (Benda, Georg) Sieh die Tränen die die Deinen über deinen Hingang weinen, L.529 (Benda, Georg) Sonata für das Bogenklavier, H.280 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Sonatina in D major, H.449 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel) Sterblicher durch deine Kräfte, L.525 (Benda, Georg) Die Stimme des Herrn im einzigen Worte, L.521 (Benda, Georg)W