Amateur violinist, composing with ScoreCreator app on iPad.
Since 1989 living near Bern, Switzerland.
- I would love to receive some feedback, also recommandations for changes are welcome!
- Concerning composing, I am autodidact and an absolute beginner. Sorry if I offended to basic music theoretical rules. Please inform me!
- The selected style of the composition may be chosen wrong, and perhaps other instruments might be a better choice, please let me know!
- I don't know for certain if the music is playable for the chosen instruments: ScoreCreator allows impossible things, sorry!
- Feel free to arrange pieces for (another) playable instumentation. Perhaps you would like to separate my 'voice' pieces into soprano, alto, tenor and bass parts? You're welcome! But please inform me (and if that's ok, you or I can register you as arranger and publish your arrangements on this site)!
- Feel free to invent song texts on pieces of mine but please inform me (and if that's ok, you or I can register you as librettist and publish your texted version = libretto on this site)!
- If you wish to do things which the chosen copyright policy doesn't allow, please inform me and (who knows?) I just might reconsider my choice for the music piece concerned ...
- Also, please inform me if you want to perform some of my pieces: I would love to register a premiere!