Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information. |
• What instrument do you play?
If you are an accordionist like me, I welcome you to my Free-scores page. Even if you have never touched a musical instrument in your life and you are just a music lover who came by chance to this site, I suggest you take some time to listen to my music. You will realize that the accordion is a fantastic instrument and open to all styles of music.
- • Are you looking for a sheet music?
Take a look at my catalogue of sheet music, you will find works for soloist and accordion band. Even if you play in a small group of accordionists of only a few musicians, you will be able to play my music scores for orchestra band
- • What styles of music do I offer?
The accordion is an instrument that lends itself to all styles(well almost). The works I propose on this site respect the copyright. You will therefore find classical music arrangements from the public domain and personal compositions. I invite you to visit my website that I have put online for to expand my catalogue with arrangements of film music, pop, rock and jazz.
Top Accordion Music website : here
You will find more recent arrangements and compositions on the SHEET MUSIC PLUS website : here
- • But who am I ?
It's very simple, I'm a young fifty-year-old man born in 1967 and passionate about the accordion. I have been writing, arranging and composing for over 25 years. Music is not my job. It is a passion that I want to share with as many people as possible. Over the years, some of my music scores have been played everywhere, in Australia, Vietnam, China, Holland and I forget some. Feel free to leave me a message or comment, I always answer.
- • What is the brand of my accordion ?
Actually I have 3 accordions: - Morino V HOHNER with standard bass and piano keys - Another Morino V HOHNER with standard bass but button keys - A ROLAND FR-3 midi accordion plugged into my PC. I mainly use the VST Elya Efimov instruments which offer simply fantastic accordion sounds.
- • You want to know what software I use ?
To write my sheet music, I have tested several editors, but for the last 10 years, I have been using Sibelius, which I recently updated to version 8. I also like Musescore, especially since version 3 is now available, but out of habit, I didn't want to change.
For my MP3 recordings, I opted for a sound card and a M-AUDIO studio microphone. All this fits perfectly with my MAGIX Music Studio audio/midi sequencer.