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organist, pianist and conductor. Teacher. Doctor of Arts. He is Christian – missionary through musical art and musical aesthetics-philosophy. Hovhannes Manukyan was born in 10 July 1984 in Yerevan (Armenia) in family of musicians. 1991 – 2001 Secondary special musical school after Petr Chaykovski of Yerevan as a violinist, composer and pianist. 2001 – 2006 Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, department of composition /professor Edvard Mirzoyan, organ /professor Artur Adamyan. 2006 Graduate student of Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas as a composer in the department of professor Edvard Mirzoyan and as organist /professor Vahagn Stambolcyan. 2007 – to present: Member of Composers Union of Armenia. 2013 – to present: Scientist in the Academy of Sciences of Armenia. As a organist and pianist /played concerts in Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Germany, Holland and China.
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