(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Loeillet, John.)
John Loeillet
(18 November 1680 — 19 July 1730)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jean-Baptiste Lœillet, Jean Baptiste Loeillet, Loeillet of London, Lœillet de Londres, Baptist Lully, Jean Baptiste Loeilly, John L'Oeillet
Name in Other Languages: Jean Baptistta Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste Loeillet of London, Jean Baptiste Loeillet de Londres, Jean-Baptiste Lœillet de Londres, Jean-Baptiste Loeillet, ジャン=バティスト・ルイエ, Jean-Baptiste Loeillet van Londen, Джон Лойе, چين باپتيسانت لويليت اوف لوندون, Jean Baptiste Loeillet of London, John Lœillet
Aliases: Лойе, Джон, Jean-Baptiste Lœillet, Jean-Baptiste Loeillet de Londres, ジャン=バティスト・ルイエ・ド・ロンドル, Jean Baptiste Loeillet
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 69194312, LCCN: n80149480, ISNI: 0000000083917180, GND: 103774971, SUDOC: 071364676, BNF: 147915937, BIBSYS: 99020850, MusicBrainz: c429b82f-c6ad-46b1-adad-59978cb8df43, NLA: 35315027, NKC: xx0098998, ICCU: TO0V596319, BNE: XX1122009
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