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Andreas Lidl
(ca.1740 — by 1789)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Andreas Lidwl, Andreas Liedl, Andreas Lidel, Andreas Liedel, Anton Lidl
Name in Other Languages: Andreas Lidel, Andreas Lindel
Aliases: Anton Lidl, Anton Lidel
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 79200534, LCCN: n85327522, ISNI: 0000000081592722, [7 more...]GND: 103803874, SUDOC: 160320054, BNF: 14807023f, MusicBrainz: 64ad7ea4-68e7-422b-885c-aa235dd4f9c5, NKC: xx0049871, ICCU: MUSV038946, BNE: XX1780414
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- According to older encyclopedia, probably born in Vienna.