All I have by way of information about Martin Levy is a puzzle from Sibley Library, a String Quartet in D minor in score and parts by "Martin Levi" (they say - score says Levy, as I think- will check in a min- do parts) published by Bote & Bock around 1904 and ded. to Hermann Levy, his son. (the author Hermann Levy (1881–1949)? someone else? ah, something to follow up there actually... anyway.) The HMB website lists at least two other string quartets - from 1877 and 1895 - and a few other works in that timeframe and after, also- by "Martin Levy" - and works dating back to 1848 by "Levy (M.)" (including a cello sonata, Op.2) who could I suppose be the same person. Haven't quite finished checking the HMB scans from 1901–1947 which could take awhile, so 1904 is not quite a finished date :)-Schissel (re Hermann- perhaps the conductor Hermann Levi 1839-1900 despite the date issue?) In 1911, three lieder published by Bote & Bock - so perhaps lived as late as 1911 or so.
Update: have been informed that Martin's son - "Hermann" according to score - is almost definitely this person - and so Martin Levy's dates are 1836-1911 (though Martin is described as a renter/landlord and merchant, with his dozen-odd compositions not mentioned, assuming again this is the same person.)