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Dylan began playing with Rosie Toll when he was 3 ½ through the Suzuki Method. He studied with Alda Dizdari and attended the Junior Guildhall School of Music and Drama from 2012 until 2016 and in 2014 Dylan played solo to a televised 2 million and a full concert hall in Albania. He then did a summer masterclass in Romania with violinist Sherban Lupu and studied for two years at the Purcell School of Music under the Government’s music and dance scheme, before starting an undergraduate degree in 2018 at the Royal Northern College of Music studying with Jim Clark. He has won the (costume) prize for the RNCM Salon prize so that should say everything you need to know.
He has performed in multiple venues across the UK and Europe and Dylan has been kindly loaned an exceptional instrument from the Michael Badminton trust until he finishes higher education: a Matthew Hardy from 1819.
Dylan hopes pursue a career in chamber playing or coaching in the future, and is currently the first violinist of the Franco Mendes quartet. He enjoys teaching, orchestral playing, and solo playing but says that chamber is what his ideal final goal would be.
Outside of music Dylan enjoys playing games and film critique, as well as a good old fashioned pint.
Greatly enjoy writing and playing stupid (usually strings) arrangements so if anyone finds this page then enjoy the fruits of my labours. Extremely questionable composer, passable arranger/transcriber, mainly in it for the memes.