The list below includes all pages in the category "Largos ". This includes works designated by their composers as a 'Largo' in a title or subtitle. See also Larghettos , Adagios , Lentos .
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Pages in category "Largos"
The following 51 pages are in this category, out of 51 total.
❉ – All (51) 🔊 – Recordings (7) 𝐍 – Naxos (3) S – Scores (46) P – Parts (14) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (9) 🔀 📻
A C H K L Larghetto et Allegro, Op.7 (Jaunez, A.) 24 Larghi (Paessler, Carlo) Largo amoroso, Op.217 (Munier, Carlo) Largo and Adagio, Op.12 (Kryzhanovsky, Ivan) Largo and Allegro, BWV Anh.111 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Largo and Allegro, TH 162 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr) Largo and Fugue in C minor (Bodenschatz, Salomo Heinrich) Largo desperado (Stephan, Constantin) Largo e Andante, RV 746 (Vivaldi, Antonio) Largo ed Allegro alla Francese (Boni, Pietro Giuseppe Gaetano) Largo for Cello and Orchestra, Op.105 (Moór, Emanuel) Largo for Cello and Piano, AK 66 (Skalkottas, Nikos) Largo for Piano (Lushpa, Ilia) Largo for Strings (Avni, Boaz) Largo for Viola and Orchestra, Op.11 (Hovhannisyan, Gor) Largo for Violin, Clarinet and Piano (Ives, Charles) Largo for Violin (Lubomirski, Kazimierz) Largo funèbre, Op.57 (Schulhoff, Julius) Largo Funebre (Renzi, Remigio) Largo in B minor (Sattler, Carl)L cont. Largo in C major (Anzoletti, Marco) Largo in D minor (Valeri, Gaetano) Largo in E-flat major, B.109 (Chopin, Frédéric) Largo in E-flat major (Bunnett, Edward) Largo in F major (Schissel, Eric) Largo in G major (Große, Gottfried) Largo in the Style of Handel (Barblan, Otto) Largo meditativo (Spada, Luca) Largo Risoluto No.1 (Ives, Charles) Largo Risoluto No.2 (Ives, Charles) Largo solenne, Op.83 (Dovicchi, João Cândido) Largo Solennel (Ruiz Espadero, Nicolás) Largo y Allegretto (Torrent, Claude) Largo, A 502 (Donizetti, Gaetano) Largo, JKB 50 (Baruk, Jason) Largo, Op.28 (Ebner, Carl) Largo, Op.39 (Konyus, Georgy) Largo, Op.45 (Homilius, Constantin) Largo (Drehmer, Earl Richard) Largo (Herzog, Johann Georg) Largo (Rasch, H. A.) Largo (Ravina, Jean Henri) Largo (Żołnowski, Maciej)M P Y