Howard Chandler Robbins Landon
(6 March 1926 — 20 November 2009)
Name in Other Languages: إتش س. روبنز لاندون, اتش س. روبنز لاندون, H. C. Robbins Landon, ה. צ'. רובינס לנדון, H.C.ロビンス・ランドン, [2 more...]Роббинс Лэндон, Ховард Чандлер, 霍華德·錢德勒·羅賓斯·蘭登
Aliases: Ховард Чандлер Роббинс Лэндон, H C Robbins Landon, H.C. Robbins Landon, Robbins Landon, ロビンス・ランドン, [2 more...]HC Robbins Landon, H. C. 罗宾·兰登
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 54150084, LCCN: n80005769, ISNI: 000000012133389X, [10 more...]GND: 119177978, SELIBR: 208859, SUDOC: 026963752, BNF: 119109178, MusicBrainz: 0a42357f-f838-4f3a-b7c9-f361072327c5, NDL: 00446787, NKC: jn19990004836, BNE: XX1022836, CiNii: DA02576414, IATH: w6w408jr
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- Original works and arrangements cannot be uploaded to the main IMSLP servers located in Canada until 70 years after the creator's death without confirmed permission from the copyright owner or a legal representative. Works that are in the public domain in the United States may be added to PML-US. If you would like to add a new work page for a work that was first published before 1930, or which is in the public domain in the United States for another reason (see public domain), please create a new topic here detailing the name of the piece and evidence of the work's date of first publication.