(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lampe, John Frederick.)
John Frederick Lampe
(ca.1703 — 25 July 1751)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Friedrich Lampe
Name in Other Languages: Johann Friedrich Lampe, ジョン・フレデリック・ランプ, ג'ון פרדריק לאמפ, جون فريديريك لامپ, Jean-Frédéric Lampe
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 4939956, LCCN: n82105297, ISNI: 000000011587661X, GND: 121191974, BNF: 119987446, BIBSYS: 13034086, MusicBrainz: 47c22637-a29e-4acf-bcde-fab78bdc69d9, NLA: 35623810, BNE: XX1781940, CiNii: DA11026899, IATH: w6kh0vgw
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