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Hippolyte Labadie
(? — fl.ca.1895)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ипполит Львович Лабади (Ippolit Lvovich Labadi), И. Лабади, Г. Лабади, H. Labadie
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- Detailed biography: None given
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Miscellaneous information
- Russian (?) musician, active in Moscow ca. 1885-1905, as a ballroom pianist, orchestra leader and composer of waltzes and other dance music. See e.g. Театрал (№ 20) (May 1895), p.55: "... The first concert of I.L. Labadi, held in the Zoological Garden, was a great success. The first part of the concert consisted of light music by Eilenberg, Aubert, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Steck and Gillet, and the second was exclusively from the works of the young conductor...".
- Labadi was employed as teacher/pianist in the Moscow Academy of Commercial Sciences (1885-1900).
- According to the Moscow Directory he was living in Nikitsky Blvd. (1904-1905).