The list below includes all pages in the category "Introits ". This includes organ works designated by their composers as an 'Introit' in a title or subtitle. See also Religious works .
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Pages in category "Introits"
The following 67 pages are in this category, out of 67 total.
❉ – All (67) 🔊 – Recordings (1) S – Scores (60) P – Parts (11) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (5) O – Other (1) 🔀
A C D E G I In justitia tua, K.282 (Fux, Johann Joseph) In medio Ecclesiae (Morellati, Paolo) Introit for Solo Flute (Hamilton, Gregory) Introit No.17 (Viray, Arjay Nuas) Introito e Comunione per il Bicentenario della nascita di Fra Guglielmo Massaia (Donella, Valentino) Introito, Graduale e Communio per la festa della Dedicazione della Chiesa (Perosi, Lorenzo) Introito, Offertorio e Communio per la Festa di Pentecoste (Perosi, Lorenzo) 2 Introits a 2 (Hill, Malcolm) 2 Introits a 6 (Hill, Malcolm) 3 Introits (Hill, Malcolm) 3 Introits (Whitlock, Percy William) 4 Introits (Hill, Malcolm) Introitus della Messa da Requiem (Donini, Agostino) Introitus in C major (Dretzel, Valentin) Introitus in honorem Christi Regis (Rządkowski, Jacek) 3 Introitus mit Versus (Erbach, Christian) Introitus, K104 (Stravinsky, Igor) Introitus, kyrie, sequenti, et plures alias cantiones de praecipuis festis anniversariis (Gesius, Bartholomäus) Introitus, Op.10 (Marohnić, Luka)I cont. L M N O P Q R S T V